I am not ruling out any scenario. But it seems to me that it works a bit like a mycelium - it spreads in secret. It's everywhere, always ready to put out a stalk:)
Shhhh....I let a small amount of dill seed out of its frozen stasis and started the sprouting process.
I took some photos but haven't looked at them. Never grew dill sprouts before. I noticed that as soon as they were released from statis the seeds smelled like dill at a distance. After water addition + rinsing + one overnight, they smell even more dilly.
Keeping you updated on the dill seed story, fingers crossed I won't be sorry, and have to kill off a dill monstrosity.
I checked today and I see it's slow to come out of stasis, compared to the broccoli and fenugreek that weren't in statis. I saw one sprouting. I saw a bunch grouping together like an army planning an attack mission. I"m thinking I need to break that up immediately. I'm thinking a boulder weight might be necessary to reinforce the seal during sprouting.
I am not ruling out any scenario. But it seems to me that it works a bit like a mycelium - it spreads in secret. It's everywhere, always ready to put out a stalk:)
Ha, mycelium, instant picture in my mind. I think you're right. Yesterday, I saw someone's dill that is almost 6 feet in height. I felt scared.
You should be scared. And always vigilant!
Shhhh....I let a small amount of dill seed out of its frozen stasis and started the sprouting process.
I took some photos but haven't looked at them. Never grew dill sprouts before. I noticed that as soon as they were released from statis the seeds smelled like dill at a distance. After water addition + rinsing + one overnight, they smell even more dilly.
Keeping you updated on the dill seed story, fingers crossed I won't be sorry, and have to kill off a dill monstrosity.
You are lucky I don't have my glasses on me and I cannot read this fine print!
Dill has a very complex tactic, don't be fooled by his tricks!
I checked today and I see it's slow to come out of stasis, compared to the broccoli and fenugreek that weren't in statis. I saw one sprouting. I saw a bunch grouping together like an army planning an attack mission. I"m thinking I need to break that up immediately. I'm thinking a boulder weight might be necessary to reinforce the seal during sprouting.
Do it, by all means. Although - I don't think it will be enough :)