Hoy quiero compartirles este pequeño dibujo al cual llamo.
Hello friends I hope you are all feeling great and having a wonderful Sunday.
Today I would like to share with you this little drawing which I call.
Les comparto un poco del paso a paso. /I share with you a little bit of the step by step
Primero realicé el boceto con lápiz de gráfito #2.
First I made the sketch with graphite pencil #2.
Comencé con pintar las flores y algunos detalles con acuarela.
I started with painting the flowers and some details with watercolour.
Realice las sombras y los colores predominantes con acuarelas.
Make the shadows and predominant colours with watercolours.
Finalmente lo remarque con marcador negro y le di algunas sombras con crayones.
Finally I outlined it with black marker and gave it some shadows with crayons.
Así quedó.
This is how it turned out.
Espero que les haya gustado. Gracias por echar un vistazo a mi post.
I hope you liked it. Thanks for taking a look at my post.
Materiales : Lápiz de gráfico #2, acuarelas marca Faber Castell, crayones marca Faber Castell y marcador negro #5.
Materials: #2 graphing pencil, Faber Castell watercolours, Faber Castell crayons and black marker #5.