...so sunny days in Berlin the last two weeks and really hot. I love this <3
Today i have a really cool blog for you! Its about the wall we painted last sunday.
KOONE wants me to paint a face all the time and he will never stop asking until i ll do it. So i made a little concept for us and tried my first serious colored portrait last sunday at Mauerpark in Berlin.
I tried to paint skin and eyes and faces before but most something quick or for fun, to try something, ... but never with a real set of "skin tones" with purple in it, with a lot of time and the goal of painting seriously a complete face aaaaand in public :O Because the Mauerpark in Berlin is kind of famous, special on sundays. Its like a festival always. Sometimes there are 30k people on the market, singing karaoke, djs, sprayer, tourists, dancers, basketball, ... and and and
Its always fun being there.
So KOON and me went there last sunday and the sun was nearly killing us there. But the action was really nice and i like the result and that i tried this.
Lets jump into it and have some fun with the pictures and a little tutorial. ENJOY IT!
Really like how the eyes turned out :))
But lets start allll from the beginning. The blue Wall and my doodle grid.
I put my concept transparent on the top.
...and now i know exactly which line i have to paint where ;)
First lines!
Paint all over the grid we dont need anymore again.
And start with the fill in.
I start as usual from dark to light.
KOONE also works hard :P
Now its going to be interesting and it starts to look like something.
Start with some details.
And then it is fading in fading in fading... Some more light here, some more dark there, ...
Lets start with the other part now.
I fighted here to get the same skin tone again because my can from the top was already empty :O
Back and forward, back and forward to get your result! Paint what you see on your reference.
Lips and everything.
I struggled so long with the nose and there is something i dont like at all :D
Some more details. There are never enough!
Time was running then so fast and it became so fast dark that i really had to rush some parts. Thats also why i couldnt make a "everything after check".
I definitiv wanted to have the white frame! I had to tape it so fast and hoped i can paint it and take a good picture with some light.
You literally can see on this picture how dark it is now and then it goes super fast until there is no more light at all ^^
Glad i have some shots :))
This is the result!
Some great detail shots <3
I also kind of like the lips but i m not happy with the nose this time. I think one part is to far up... Or the picture makes the shadows to dark. Dont know...
What do you think?
But in general all the color mix for my skin tone looks pretty okay :) I think i can work with this.
Here is my part.
Just some minutes later it was dark :O ... here is my part with a flash light in the night.
And my signature of course!
And this is the final sexy result!
What do you think?
And finally this is also the end of the tutorial, the blog and the pictures i made ;)
What do you think about this mural with KOONE?
...feel free to contact me for questions or all kind of commission works or whatever. Let me know in the comments what you think about my first try and feel free to give me some tips, criticism and feedback!
Shop Vida
PEACE and love,
-edga NOWARGraffitis