... its been one year or one year and some weeks since CARO and me painted the stairs at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin.
Now we got a call if we can repaint it for this summer and repair some parts. Of course we paint this job again and refresh this stairs!
...so we went to buy some materials yesterday and started again. This time it should be faster because the picture is already there and we just have to repaint everything.
Today i m going to show you some pictures of us at work and also why they asked us to refresh it.
Also i have super cool detail shots of a new mandala i just finished :)
Lets jump into this and have some fun with the colorful pictures. ENJOY IT!
...maybe some of you remember how we met the Blue Man Group and how they asked us for a photo-shooting :)
After one year and a winter in between a lot of people walked on the stairs of course, some with dirty and wet shors, 2 or 3 people wrote something with edding on it, they drink their cafe or whatever there and go by bike down, ... Like stairs are. Being there for the people :D But this brings also a lot of dirt and footprints with it.
This is how it looked when we arrived today :D
Can you see all this little "dirt points"? (In the yellow you can see it good here.)
There is no chance to remove them with water or just clean them. This is just how it comes after all the shoes and rain and ice and everything.
So lets start to repaint it!
We started on the top of course. CARO is painting on the right side while i m doing the left part.
Can you see the difference?
Here you can see really good how the pink changed in the sun and weather and also the blue.
But we are faster than we thought!
And after 4 hours we could finish the half of our work and repainted the first part of the stairs on the top.
Here you also can see how different it looks :D
... it started to rain really heavy just when we finished packing and bring our stuff away. It looks like it will rain today too so we have one day break and i think we can finish on Thursday. I hope the rain yesterday didnt do any damage.
... "FRESH PAINT" sign and barrier tape and thats it for today :) I cant wait to show you the finish work on Thursday again. There are some new parts and parts we changed so definitiv STAY TUNED to see the result soon!
The next pictures are detail shots of a "Mandala" i painted this night when my friend Mirko was here. We talked and laughed a lot again and i painted a little bit and darts and and and... one of this great nights ^_^
This "Mandala" is a little bit different than the others because i tried to bring more black inside and it has more "areas". I really like how this turned out!
I will show it to you soon. Another reason why you should STAY TUNED ;)
...and thats it for todays blog!
I hope you like it and enjoyed the pictures. What you you think about the stairs?
What about the "Mandala"?
Feel free to give me some feedback and criticism and contact me for any question or commission works :) I also work for Steem and other cryptos!
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PEACE and love,
-edga NOWARGraffitis