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RE: A House in the Woods

in OnChainArt4 years ago

Another absolutely stunning work. I'm blown away by how quickly you are able to produce such fantastic works! I'm sure a lot of practice has gone into it, and it most definitely shows. I'm slowly attempting to improve my own skills at drawing specifically tabletop maps and it's slow going but a lot of fun.

 4 years ago  

In 2019 I barely did any art, but I did watch a lot of tutorials especially on Youtube. I did do a few extra detailed pieces that took weeks, I believe that helped me realize what to pay attention to. I notice "issues" much faster now, and if something feels off then I take the time to figure out why.

That makes a lot of sense. I'll have to give some thought to finding some YT tutorials for what I'm doing and then pushing beyond them too!

 4 years ago  

Yup, unfortunately I don't have any proper recommendations, I mostly watch various things x2 speed. Gumroad/Cubebrush are also great, especially during the black Friday sale :)