Go public with my work is difficult for me.
For me, coming out of the closet as a "cuchi" is difficult. Very few people in my life know that I've been drawing things in a rather cute style intermittently for over 10 years. Very few. I never show any of that to anybody (and I really don't know why it's so hard for me, if those who know me closely know that I'm really a rainbow cupcake).
I kept telling myself that I'm not good enough, that nobody is going to like what I do, that the cute thing doesn't suit me, etc, etc, etc. All the excuses in the world... So far: It's time for me to have a drink and start showing off. If I'm not good enough to show my work yet, I will be. Or not. And the world's not going to end because of that. So here I begin, as all the drastic decisions of my life in recent years have begun: With a drink.
This is my recipe for courage. Maybe for others it's a little different. What's in your drink?
(A little bit of the process: