OCA Daily Favs

in OnChainArt4 years ago
Authored by @@equipodelta

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Greetings, welcome to all.

Today we are filled with much joy as every day presenting quality talent, works of art that explode our minds, full of color, dedication, professionals or not passionate about design, who express much of their thoughts and feelings in every stroke, every brushstroke.

Today the selection is composed of digital art, we also have space for photo manipulation and we finish with an outstanding author who presents art in animation, we are sure you will be amazed.

We invite you to see it once again.

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We start our selection of favorites of the day with the work of Lim Chuan Shin (@shinoxl), whose collection of cards made by his hand in digital art are all beauty and creativity without limits.

This work is the last one belonging to the Cthulhu deck, it has a certain elegance and delicacy typical of a king.

Lim is an exceptional artist, his works have been seen in several magazines and AAA games such as Street Fighter V and Agents of Mayhem.

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Mortem - dead

The following author presents a collection of his representative works on death. @mikiad.visuals through his art, invites us to become aware of the existence of death.

This outstanding author is a professional artist dedicated to 3D art and Graphic Designer, who from time to time moves to the world of animation. His works of art are always amazing.

We notice in his works today, the characteristic of monochrome, perhaps alluding to the sadness, lack of life and color, the oblivion that represents death, which makes a magnificent artistic expression.

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Comisión # 8

We continue with Nebai (@edanya) a magician of fantasy and color. Today she presents us with an OC character, with perfect proportions and to which she has drawn different moods, just great.

Her humanized animal character, punk style made in dark and neon colors stands out in personality, she has managed to give life, although she was not inspired by the furry style, we notice certain airs of style, but in Nebai's own style.

She also delights us with a rich text where she shares with us all her concerns and a great step by step structure. A work of art made in second dimension with the Paint Tool Sai design program.


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Celestial Dancer


Realism within fantasy, is what we can say about the amazing artistic piece presented by the following outstanding author of today, who achieves an excellent coupling of ideas and scenes in terms of digital manipulation.

Dancing on a pedestal up to the clouds, delicate, confident, firm, we can't imagine why according to what he tells us this work was discarded from his boss, if it is magnificent, here we value it, because it has been an excellent work.

The details of her artistic piece is created in Adobe Photoshop CC 201, in which she also presents her step by step, until its amazing end.

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Dissolution of Ego II

We miss the impressive animated works of author Peter Gric (@gric), they blow our minds.

We close our presentation of favorites of the day, with this great author magician of animation, nothing more and nothing less than Gric, we can't say anything but Wow! and more Wow!.

Through the video we see his great ingenuity, the human body detaching itself in thousands of perfectly symmetrical particles and full of internal light. Quite an impression to our eyes that induces relaxation.

His animated work is based on 3D-concept, belonging to his series Dissolution of Ego, Rendered in Blender 2.92 on the SheepIt Renderfarm, which also adds impressive screenshots.

We invite you, as always, to visit these authors and support their work, as well as to keep an eye out for our next publication.

Art in all its magnificent expression.

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OMG thank you so much guys! I am so happy my art gets recognized like this it is a rare thing to me. I will always keep creating for people like you, much love <3333