Art from the past - Mystic eyes (plus some great news)

in OnChainArt5 years ago

About 2 weeks ago I got a very good opportunity, I had just finished renovating the top floor in my friends house when I asked him if he had any plans for the barn he had. He said he wanted to rent it out but he didn't know to whom. I asked him if I could build an art studio on the top floor and to my surprise he said yes.

I've had the idea of an art studio for a long time but to rent a place big enough is very expensive and out of limit for me. But we agreed on a reasonable rent if I pay for the build myself. So that is why I haven't made any new drawings the past few weeks. Sometimes you have to sacrifice your time to make something even greater in the future. My plan is to do more than just drawings and be a full time artist with a fully equipped art studio.

I'm not finished with the studio, I need a few more walls and then insulate and paint it, but for now I have to put it on ice until I get some more money.

Today I started drawing again in my unfinished studio and it feels great. I have good light, it's quiet and a very good atmosphere. It feels very good to have an own art studio and do something I really love doing.

The drawing I'm currently working on is not finished but I think it will be done tonight so stay tuned for tomorrows post. Instead I wanted to show you a drawing I made a few years ago that I like very much.

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This drawing I named mystic eyes and it's made on A4 paper in graphite. It actually fits in the new normal with everyone wearing masks (except in Sweden)

You can see the process from start to finish below

7B pencil.jpeg






7B pencil.jpeg

To end this post I want to say to everyone that doubt them selves. If you do something you love and have a passion for, you will succeed eventually. You will have tough times but you will not regret walking your own path.

L1 353.jpg


 5 years ago  

I am studioless at the moment and same as you, rent is crazy. I also talked to a friend last week and she also has a big barn in a home she is trying to buy. She has told me that I can share it with her and I'm so excited by the prospect. I just hope we can come to a good arrangement like you did.
Love the piercing eyes.

I hope everything will turn out good for you. My first idea was to have my studio in a camper van but now when I got this opportunity I feel its better because I can do more than just drawings :)

Master of the pencil, please tell me the secrets of old, the ancient technique to master the coal and turn it into diamond!
jk aside, this is an amazing piece!

Thank you :) haha actually it's just practice of observation