in OnChainArt4 years ago

Hello everyone !!!

I have made Chaitya on paper using pen and ink. I have made this art during lockdown. Chaitya are the artistic representation of the Buddhist philosophy that guides one to end their suffering and to gain peace with in their mind and bodies claim the conservation. It is mainly made out of stones and marbles. Four Buddha on a each side. This is build according to the direction. Each God is assigned a particular direction. We can find forms of Panchabudhha with Akshobhya Lochana Vajrapaani on the east, Ratnasambhava Mamki Ratnapani on the south, Amitabha Padmini Pakshapani on the west, Amoghsiddhi Tara Bishwapani on the north, and Vairochan Dharmadhatwishwori Samantabhadra in the middle or within the chaitya. Either independently or together, chaityas also can embody the half-closed eyes of Buddha in the Ardhanimeshwor mudra.” people use to see chaitya to find their direction.

