
in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

its been a long time. I haven't sculpt a single thing for months. its been 6 month since I came home from military service and only now i am comfortable and feel creative enough to take the digital pen again. So i am gonna take it slow.

Here is the monster version of pacman.

Software : Zbrush 2021.6.6
Tablet : Xp-pen Artist22E Pro
Time : 1 hour ~

If you want to support me and buy this model

Model Store : Become a patron :

Inspiration is from this video

Sculpting Process Screenshots:


Are you going to do the ghosts next? XD

Imagine these types of graphics in that game, that would be a whole different feel XD

probably yes ^^ I am planning to make a one shot d&d session with this mini. Pacman is the boss, we players are the ghosts in pacman's dungeon.

LoL that sounds awesome, please do a writeup when you're done XD