I love seeing other people's process posts :D and such a difference between how a pro does things and how a luser like me does things XD I tend to just make the set and then pick a camera angle (because I'm usually at least attempting to do vaguely realistic or at least somewhat plausible sets).
I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate uv unwrapping ;-;
Compositing and this colour correction stuff are things I'm going to have to pick up eventually (or at least I know I have to figure out compositing but I kind of know how to do it in theory, colour correcting is one of those things where I'm not sure if I need to learn it or if I already do it because I've found throughout time that I sometimes just do things XD) so always glad to have people sharing so I have a starting point :D

hehehe thank you my friend <3 <3 i really appreciate it 🙏 , Usually for my scene i just lay out stuff and set up a nice camera and move on from there .
for the UV hahah funny thing it is actually my fav part to do ! been doing UV's unfolding since 2009 haha, i got used to it :D
for color correction the only way to practice it by training your eyes when watching movies or music videos or arts, to see how colors can blend in together and mix nicely ! and i am here if there's anything you need help with :)