Definitely looks the part :) does that real time or would you save it for cut scenes?
Was UE pretty easy to learn? I can't remember what my friend wanted to use for his project but I remember him asking me to download it and me not being able to find a linux version (entirely possible I just didn't look hard enough), and I told him I didn't really want ot learn a game engine because I had enough nonsense to do already. but it might have been unwarranted (I honestly didn't look hard).

I think you should give it a shot, It is not that hard, as youtube is pretty full with useful tutorials on any topic UE realted ! i do recommend you to download it and give it a shot :D
Well I hope I'm as smart as you so I don't find it that hard XD least I can keep that in mind for if I ever do manage to scrape some time, at the moment I really have none x_x
i def with you on that, If you search any topic related to realtime, many artists are sharing cool tips on how to work along the software, all the best mate !