They would have to do it in numbers the cowards, I was just waiting for you to deck him XD
Sucks that you got mugged >_< however my sister and I (was reading bits out to her) were gleefully pleased that those two got what was coming to them. And how awesome is Clodagh orchestrating everything remotely!
The thought bubble made me chuckle XD Did they put you outside because you were the provably toughest one who could work under whatever conditions? :D

I think I might have been able to take on one but when I saw the other and both with a knofe I thought it best to just let it happen. I believe that along with Clodagh's help, being able to bring them to justice change my whole perception of the experience. I had closure. Clodagh was amazing.
I was put outside cause I was the new guy. I earned my place indoors on my second year.
So nice to hear that you shared some of my post wit your sister. Thank you.