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RE: Back in Business/ Dublin castle- sand sculpture

in OnChainArt3 years ago (edited)

Yay for being back in business :D

You organised a whole exhibition this time? :O

ps can you put a teaser photo or something in for the only art posts rule please, I'm kind of letting this one slide because it's a prologue but I'm not sure if the other staff will ^_^;

 3 years ago  

Thanks for that. I added an image and hope it becomes the thumbnail. Posting to this community is part of my muscle memory but I will keep my Onchain posts for just the finished product. Sorry about that. I will have a bigger story to tell once I have the energy.
Yes, I had to organise everything this year myself and had no time for anything else including blogging. It is all coming together now with many ups and downs.

Thanks ^_^

Ooh damn that's an awesome thumbnail image :O

my youngest son still struggles to believe you're making all this out of sand, he's like NO ONE CAN DO THAT and I'm like DANIEL CAN LOOK XD

No worries, contrary to popular belief we do actually like people posting in here, it is a very rules and moderation heavy community though ^_^;

We do know some works take days/weeks/months/years so we don't disallow work in progress posts, they may get minimum quality ruled but even your works in progress surpass minimum quality easy, so don't stress and if you're doing intro videos like this for longer haul projects just remember to include a thumbnail so there's actual art to go with the art-related content ;D

Yay for everything coming together!