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RE: 🎨 Working again on "Hardfork II"

in OnChainArt • 5 years ago

I had to stop partway because despiteHow mesmerising it was apparently watching this with a headache was a bad idea 😅

It was a really great idea! You did look like you were struggling a little with the brush the camera was on. Were you also more aware of what angle you were holding it to make sure the camera was still pointed in the right direction when you were switching hands? 😆

 5 years ago  

I was trying keeping the angle but as you can see the cam was quite heavy for this purpose.


Next time I'll use one of my smaller cams as I did once here:

Is the bigger camera better quality? The one you used for this one is pretty tiny too but kind of huge on the brush XD

 5 years ago  

Yes, the GoPros have better image quality and optics than most of their competitors.

 5 years ago  

you can only pack so much into a small camera - I got one from China (I think from Banggood), SQ8 that is small and lite. A inexpensive novelty, I used it a few times. The quality is not bad, better than one would expect for 10 bucks.

Wow. Nice work.