Ahh some hardcore Mal'akh XD
I love the wing/feather rendition!
and your seemingly signature hard shading xD
I also found it interesting but completely unsurprising that the three of you siblings favoured/identified with a different piece in the set XD
Also like how you compared and contrasted with your other pieces, it made the post much more interesting and makes me feel wthat I should probably do similar things (but probably won't because I'm lazy and usually forget at the time x_x).

Thank you!!! The wings were really a pleasure to work on, since they're stylized and not different from bird studies I've done :D
Yeahh I was just as surprised about each of us picking a different favorite, youngest said: that means they're all great <333 That was really touching.
As for the contrast: the Empathy on it's own has decent contrast, but it definitely looks weaker when placed next to the other two.
In black and white you can see contrast most easily. So to make the wings stand out I should have made the clouds darker or wings lighter, but color-wise I decided to keep the wings purple instead of making them lighter and more pink :)
Well youngest is not wrong there ;D