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RE: How it ends?

in OnChainArt2 years ago

I agree completely... I'm a huge fan of words and using them well... and she does. I truly enjoy intellectual minds with hearts to match. That piece on desire... There is a level of transparency here that meets us squarely in a place reflective of our own vulnerabilities, our trappings - our weaknesses as human beings on display. It's direct. It's honest. It hits hard because we recognise it within ourselves - it may be possible to hide from the world for a while, but we cannot deny what is visible to the inner eye... and is not afraid to hold the mirror up for all to see.

But still... desire is transmutable.

Loved the artwork here too - the vulnerability of a spectacular creature, even in death, lovingly and reverently held in the palm of one's hand. Your triptych feels like a representation of the circle of life embracing death. !LUV

I found this post featured on dreemport.


So gutting(metaphorically of course) oneself on the internet is way easier than talking in real life. And walking this road further - drawing about stuff is way easier than writing about them. For me at least.

Plus the medium used by one to describe internal monologue or emotional state - can make all the difference I guess. I like the notion that ones pain can put smile on others faces. And I don't mean that in bad way.

What I mean - our experience both good and bad can be a source of knowledge for others. That is exact reason why we read books, why we listen to music, why we look at paintings. It is painless way to learn, to experience ways and means beyond all what we can imagine in our own heads.

It is a kind of transfusion of thoughts but stripped of their troublesome aspects.

I don't know. Words fail me today :D

The word 'transcendental' is banging around my skull, but it also sounds somehow snobbish and crass in the same time...