The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley
a webcomic, by Matt S. Law
So for those of you that are familiar with the field of "Superhero Maths" this team-up can be broken down by the following equation:
Moon Girl > Yang > Mary Marvel > Yin > Moon Girl
It's kind of like rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock.
All that's left is for Moon Girl and Mary Marvel to hug it out, drink some wine, and at some point maybe they'll remember to put all the babies back. Where are those babies? Uh-oh, does Mary remember where she put them? She did take a lot of head blows... We'll see how this wraps up next panel.
The Real Superheroines of Hive Valley is a webcomic about a reality television show following the lives of seven public domain superheroines that all live together in the same mansion in the elite community of Hive Valley.
You can read the series from the beginning ---> HERE.
Created in Clip Studio Paint Pro on my mobile art studio which is a Microsoft Surface Pro 7+. Here is the time lapse video:
Someone needs to tidy up all the mess they made. Looks like a warzone.
Collateral damage after super battles is big business. I think there was a Marvel comic title called Collateral Damage which was about a company that cleaned up superhero messes. I think they touched on that in Spider-Man Homecoming. Most of my comic book knowledge is a couple decades old at this point...
He wanted to see if time flys while having fun.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of steevc
@sidekickmatt, I sent you an