An Untitled - purging (oil on canvas)

in OnChainArtlast year

Connecting. Changing. Fighting. Pulling out. Mutating. Sowing. Doubting. Suffering. Smiling. Crying. Screaming. Getting sick. Healing. Searching. Stopping. Watching. Desiring. Living.
All of this
At the same time

  • Conectando. Cambiando. Luchando. Sacando. Mutando. Sembrando. Dudando. Sufriendo. Sonriendo. Llorando. Gritando. Enfermando. Sanando. Buscando. Deteniéndome. Observando. Deseando. Viviendo.
    Todo esto
    Al mismo tiempo


untitled purge diptych jpg media.jpg

detalle oleo.jpg


Finding the right outlet for our emotions is a constant work in progress.

It is a great fortune that you have found a form that allows you to not only name your emotions but give them expression in a such refined way.

I always await your with great excitement! So glad you share your work with us:)

Thank you! it's quite a challenge to write for Hive. Not so my paintings, which are my natural language :)

I know exactly what you mean. I find drawing far more easier than writing, but to challenge oneself from time to time, right?