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RE: Purging 1

in OnChainArt2 years ago

Thank you! :) Yes, I think Purge could go with the work of many artists, those who more or less live it as I do. There are others who use it differently, and that's fine. Each one "uses" art according to his needs. There are as many ways of expressing oneself as there are people in the world :)
I never thought of the perspective thing, and you might be right! Like how the gaze is almost on the body, feeling the breath... interesting point of view 😊


Totally agree here, one 'use' art as one need. Can help to cleanse, as you pointed out in your article, and it can help to explore certain ideas or even problems.

What is most remarkable to me, is how great the difference is between what the artist sees when creating, and what the viewer who admires the art sees.
It gives huge opportunity for dialog :)