Untitled (a search), an oil on canvas

in OnChainArtlast year

These days I minted in objkt this small painting. It measures 23 x 33 cm. It is an oil on canvas. It turns out that since I can't really focus on something that excites me to paint, then I look for images within the large amount of registry that I generate, and I choose some that for some reason I find interesting. I like this one in particular because I feel that I managed to give light to that candle, really. I feel it's material, visually heavy, and lit 🙂
I love chiaroscuro, as you may have noticed. For the canvases with baroque lighting I looked a lot at Rembrandt and his environments, the atmospheres in his paintings. He used greens, warm earths, which enveloped his figures in a magical way. I tried to translate it to my palette, in a modest way of course, but it helped me a lot in the shadows as well as in the light. It's super interesting.
Here I also tried to break this climate by painting the lower part with another intention. It's more of a pictorial and compositional exercise to try to get out, in a timid way, of the usual compositions, which I tend to repeat a lot. I don't know if it is successful, but I am quite happy with the result. I will continue to investigate this. Trying to get out of my comfortable place and my image so marked (the latter, just a little, I like the way I walk in the shadows).
Here is some light, some desire. A little bit of hope (falling into cliché, I know, hahahah) but also rest, meditation. These were difficult days. I'm trying to find myself and move on. That's why I'm spending little time here. I'm starting a new stage in my life, very uncertain, and it has me in quite a turmoil physically and emotionally. I know that this feeling is going to be very present for quite some time, so I want to assimilate it and learn to live with it. Not easy. But here we are.
See you soon.

  • Estos días minteé en objkt esta pequeña pintura. Mide 23 x 33 cm. Es un óleo sobre tela. Resulta que como no puedo enfocarme realmente en algo que me entusiasme para pintar, entonces busco imágenes dentro de la gran cantidad de registro que genero, y elijo algunas que por algún motivo me resultan interesantes. Esta en particular me gusta porque siento que logré darle luz a esa vela, realmente. La siento matérica, con peso visual, y encendida 🙂
    Amo el claroscuro, como se habrá notado. Para las telas con iluminación barroca observé mucho a Rembrandt y los climas, las atmósferas en sus pinturas. Utilizaba unos verdes, unos tierras cálidos, que envolvían sus figuras de una manera mágica. Traté de traducirlo a mi paleta, de una manera modesta claro está, pero me ayudó mucho tanto en las sombras como en la luz. Es súper interesante.
    Aquí igualmente hice el intento de romper ese clima pintando la parte inferior con otra intención. Es más bien un ejercicio pictórico y de composición para intentar salirme, de un modo tímido, de las composiciones de siempre, que tiendo a repetir mucho. No sé si está logrado, pero estoy bastante conforme con su resultado. Seguiré investigando esto. Tratando de salirme de mi lugar cómodo y de mi imagen tan marcada (esto último, solo un poco, me gusta el camino que recorro en las sombras).
    Aquí hay algo de luz, algo de deseo. Un poco de esperanza (cayendo en el cliché, lo sé, jajaj) pero también reposo, meditación. Fueron días difíciles estos. Estoy tratando de encontrarme y de seguir adelante. Por eso estoy pasando poco por aquí. Estoy comenzando una nueva etapa en mi vida, muy incierta, y me tiene bastante alborotada a nivel físico y emocional. Sé que este sentimiento va a estar muy presente por bastante tiempo, así que quiero asimilarlo y aprender a convivir con él. Nada fácil. Pero aquí estamos.
    Los veo pronto.

Untitled (a search) jpg baja.jpg




an open edition with countdown

link to Objkt


I missed your post! 😭

You sent me a tip? I just saw it! how does that work? still on the surface of Hive.😐❤️

I did, becouse I came across your post after 8th day, so after payout already. But I wanted to do at least some contribution, since I really love your painting, and I had pretty good month here on hive, so I wanted to share!

Thank you! So kind from you ❤️
I have noticed how far you have come in the community. I really congratulate you! It's really very interesting to read you and see your work, so it's not surprising. :)

My pleasure!

Thank you very much! I am still learning everyday, to be perfectly honest :D I am trying to get 'weekly author' badge this week. Only one day to go, so cross your fingers for me:)

I don't know why :(((
I don't know the rules here. My posts are not very continuous, is maybe because of that?

It probably get lost in my feed, I follow a lot of accounts, so I must have missed it, so it is my fault :D Never worry. You do you! Never pressure yourself. Art needs time, that's for sure:)

 last year  

Parece que me perdí tus últimos posteos! - Y veo que hay otro comentario similar.

No sé qué onda!! encima ahora la imagen no se ve completa.... :(