Only the base structure - it is created by drawing a line or a shape and then Repeating that over and over with varying degrees of rotation. There is a tool that does this for me... I then go over the top with scripts to get it to look a certain way and through that process I can colour them each slightly different. Every piece has gone through the same process but with slight tweaks here and there
Its not always easy guiding these programs to do what you want - it took me a long time to understand the way everything works and it took alot of experience to fine tune the process to the point that I like how it looked. But I also think It would be really hard to draw these!
Only the base structure - it is created by drawing a line or a shape and then Repeating that over and over with varying degrees of rotation. There is a tool that does this for me... I then go over the top with scripts to get it to look a certain way and through that process I can colour them each slightly different. Every piece has gone through the same process but with slight tweaks here and there
Amazing! Do u think this way is easier than drawing manually? Or it has it's difficulties!
Its not always easy guiding these programs to do what you want - it took me a long time to understand the way everything works and it took alot of experience to fine tune the process to the point that I like how it looked. But I also think It would be really hard to draw these!
Everything takes time and learning is essential
Agreed, as they say, practice makes perfect!