Yeah, I am, born an bread:) I live in NI 5 years now. When I still had plans to move to Canada I though about London, Ontario, but it is no easy thing to get to Canada if you have polish nationality. I actually had job offer there, but work - permit process was dragging terribly, and I lost the job offer to somebody else. And then - I come to conclusion it is easier to get to UK, get at least temporary settlement here and stay 2-3 years here, and apply again. I've heard it is way easier that way.
So I moved, and after a while I've got job here, and started really liking here:) I'm slowly growing into the place, putting down roots:)
Irish eh?, there you go! Ever been in Ireland?
Five years in Northern me that's settled in a spot. London, Ontario, well, well, well. That'd put you a stone's throw away. How ironic.
Interesting how Canada is slow with papers if you're Polish. I can't tell you how many immigrants have come here in the last couple years. I'm not hearing Polish accents among them though. Seems it depends very much on what Canada Inc. is shopping for; perhaps there's work arounds I'm not privy to.
I've never been to Ireland or Europe. I would have liked to go many places. I used to have an interest in travelling but let that go in 2001. Domestic travel only from that point on. Haven't been on a plane since 2012 and now, I'll never get on one again for a whole host of reasons.
So when you are trying to get visa - it is better to have some 'useful' occupation. Not only that - good to be married as well. It is way easier then. Plus if you are a designer or artist some kind - yeah, doesn't help your cause.
I am not really travel - type myself. I had to fly a lot in my old job(mostly China), and although I've learned a bunch - I don't think I would want to get back to it.
2012? So there was some space for feet back then I imagine:)
Interesting. Of course artist/designer/creative never helps. I've never attempted it myself.
You had to fly a lot for work, yes, that would lessen travel interest substantially.
Barely, but then I was on domestic flights and I do my best to spend as little as possible on such things. I remember watching fares for at least three months in advance of when I planned to go the way some people watch the crypto market, so I could score the best rate.
All make sense. Now I am only trawel to see my parents and friends and back. I haven't travel on holiday or something like that. I like it here. It is moody and wet:D
Moody and wet sounds like where I'm from in eastern Canada (don't know if I mentioned I didn't grow up where I live now). I miss fog, thick, thick fog on a regular basis. I miss the Atlantic ocean.
I've noticed that the only time I've been motivated to travel in the past was to go spend time with family or friends. To me, that's the best part of travelling.
Love the fog(maybe not while driving :D) and water.
I simply have to live nearby water. And have to visit sea or ocean every now and then.
Sea during a storm, when the wind is so strong that it almost carries you away, the air so wet that it soaks your waterproof jackets and chills you to the bone. When the clouds change so fast that I can't keep track of their shape, when the sky is the colour of steel. This is my very favourite landscape:)
That is a best motivation there is, maybe apart from curiosity :)
Definitely not while driving 😁.
That paragraph is poetry, brings so many visions forth. I have to live near large amounts of water, if not by the ocean, then some other very large body of water.
I've never done that. I'd have to try it out to know if I like it.