I imagine this design recreated for a Cosplay AND I DIE for the possibilities óAó ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
The jacket design is very beautiful and fluid 💕
The story is like a character's introductory script before they reveal all their lore. I liked!
You are a magic thing Rainite 🙏 ✨
Wow, ok, if that's the case then I think I'm still a low-tier magic then 😄
I see some peeps think the story is good, including you. So I'm glad. And I hope I'll get better at writing with each try.
Right, and the cosplay, I remember you when I saw your cosplay pic in your Hive intro post. You're the person with that big entry post on Archdruid's gaming contest on Steemit some time ago! So hearing that from a pro cosplayer is really something. Thank you, Tesmoforia ^^