Corella Art.
Corellas are not hard to find, here in Queensland. They gather in large groups, in parks, reserves and areas where there is plenty of food and shelter. They feed in large flocks and forage mainly on the ground where a variety of seeds and grains are found and they will eat a few bulbs and some fruits.
As much as they love to congregate en masse, accompanied with a cacophony of noise which drowns out many other sounds, I often find a pair of corellas enjoying each others company.
I love to photograph them and due to their white feathers, they are great candidates for digital art.
Here are a few images that I had fun with. These two Corellas kept me entertained for quite some time.

Corellas are a subgenus of the white cockatoos and three of the six species are only found in Australia. The Little Corella is the most widely distributed of the three corella species found in Australia. The Western Corella is confined to the extreme south-west of Western Australia, and the Long-billed Corella is found in the south-east.

The little Corellas often like to play and get up to a manner of amusing antics. Such as perching on the blades of windmills and spinning around and around, falling off and then going back for more. It is not unusual to see these birds hanging upside down, holding on with their beaks.......just for fun.

Little Corellas are mostly white and are characterized by their fleshy blue eye-ring a pale rose-pink patch between the eye and bill.

They have a bright sulphur-yellow splash of colour on their underwing and beneath their tails which is best seen when in flight. Males and females have similar plumage, and young birds look like the adults, but are slightly smaller.


How amazing. All look so beautiful and this effects in the picture are amazing😍😍😍
Thank you dear Denise. Glad you like these edits. Have a great week.
I also wish you have a wonderful week.💕
Thank you @pixresteemer
I love this it's colorful, looks very great.
Thank you for your comments and visit and support.
They are sooooo beautiful! Your art work is really brilliant!!! 😍😍 What a lovely couple. And I love how you describe them, "accompanied with cacophony of noise which drowns out many other sounds." I can imagine how lovely their chirping are!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us. This really priceless @trudeehunter! 😍 I am beyond impressed by your work.
You really bless me with your appreciation and support @gingbabida
Thank you so much.
You are most welcome @trudeehunter, as I appreciate your creation from the heart. Your talent is for me to admire, because no matter what I do I can never create something of that sort. 😍
Beautiful day to you. ❤
In the limited time I have this morning @trudeehunter, I wanted to visit your profile, after finding your excellent response to my recent post.
I see that you have a remarkable artistic talent (of which I have zero ... 😉)! These birds are beautiful. And the way you portray them is very creative. Do you find our creative abilities wonderful reinforcement of the truth we are created in His image?
In the one trip I was blessed to experience to Australia (south of you, on the coast just north of Sydney), they remind me of the Rainbow Lorikeets out in the front yard, of the Christian family who invited me over to their home for dinner ...
If you have written an introductory post, I would welcome a link and would look forward to reading it. It is always a blessing to read the testimony of other members of our Lord's family!
Yes. Indeed! The creative drive is strong in all of us and I'm sure many will agree with me when I say that the experience of being involved with the creative process, brings true fulfillment. We not only find out a lot about ourselves as we stretch ourselves to learn just how far our capabilities can expand but when we know our unique talents are a gift from God, the results are even more rewarding.
I was interested to hear of your Australian trip. There is so much to enjoy in this country with regard to our fauna and flora and our birds...…..we are blessed with such a variety and it is always a thrill to get close enough to acquire decent photos of them.
Thanks again for your support and encouragement. God Bless.Thanks so much for your wonderful comments @roleerob I found my intro post and here is the link
Up well before 🌄 (here) @trudeehunter and really enjoyed reading through your intro. A friend of Denise? While I do not know her well, we have had some exchanges over time and I was somehow of the impression she is in the Washington, D.C. area. Is she Australian?
Like you, I am also retired. [Quick note: The 'retired sing' image on your intro post is not working ...] The father of a "quiver full," my beloved and I are heading into our 44th anniversary ...
There is no question to me that our creative abilities distinguish us as "set apart" from the rest of the life God created in the beginning. As we are His "image bearers," I find this ability to be the highest form of expression of which we are capable.
Is one form "higher" than another? For example, where would music fall on "the spectrum?" Well, I don't profess to be wise enough to know, but I dearly love music and the great power it wields to influence us ...
Thanks for your response. I am now following your account, but I am a "part timer," especially after all of the nonsense of the "back and forth" between these two blockchains. So ... While I strive to make my engagement "count," I limit the time I spend at it.
Until next time, all the best to you and yours, for a better tomrrow!
P.S. If you have written any separate posts with your testimony, I would welcome a link to that (those?), as well. 🙂
Denise and I were involved in another online platform and it was through her, that I finally joined Steemit.Thanks so much for your wonderful reply @roleerob It is a privilege to get to know you better, especially considering the fact that we have much in common spiritually.
I haven't written much about myself on a personal level here but there might be a post you may be interested in reading so I will try and hunt that one out and get back to you.
John and I celebrated our 50th Wedding anniversary in a quiet manner during the early stages of the Covid lockdown. We spent the time reminiscing and thanking God for all His amazing blessings during these last 5 decades.
Our family are planning a proper celebration later on in the year at a holiday resort for us when the restrictions have eased sufficiently and I am so looking forward to that. Our 3 married sons and daughters in law, our married grandson and his wife and our other 6 grandchildren will all be there so, it will be amazing and most definitely a treasured highlight in our lives.
Music has to be high on the list for its creative power, especially with its ability to influence us emotionally, physically and spiritually. Music plays a large and important role in our lives and when a musician or singer has been anointed in this field, it is indeed something special.
I do appreciate your support and I look forward to reviewing your posts and reading new ones as you have the time and inclination.
Thank you @trudeehunter, for investing your time, in our "conversation." I do not take it for granted.
50th wedding anniversary - what a wonderful milestone to reach! Sounds like lifetime memory plans are being made for later, so I can imagine what that post will be like! 🙂 So very sad our "new normal" world requires you to put it off, but it seems like you are handling it with a very gracious attitude.
If our "number of days" extend that far (we enjoy good health, at this point), we have talked about holding our 50th anniversary here:
Dogwood Canyon is a wonderful destination outside of Branson, Missouri, for enjoying all of the rich diversity of life found in the famous Ozarks region of America. While neither of us grew up around there, both of our fathers have deep connections to it and our (exactly once ...) only visit there was so memorable, we have thought to do it again ...
Very nice to read your perspective on music. We certainly share that in common. Much like artistic ability, I make no claim to any musical talent either. My mother, however, raised us in a home where classical music was played all of the time. That and worship music, so music is very important to us.
As an Australian, Trudee, you may enjoy this post I wrote awhile back for the Christian Fellowship community "in here." We find the music of this remarkable group to be very uplifting. They are (as much as I can discern) truly worshipping vs. simply performing. I believe we are all blessed who experience what our Lord has done through their creative gifts.
God bless and keep you and your family! ✝ 🙏 👋
Many thanks for sharing your post about the group Cityalright My husband and I have listened to a few of their songs and have now added them to one of our playlists. We hadn't heard of them before but will definitely pass their music on to others we know will enjoy them too.Oh what an idyllic place @roleerob It looks like the perfect venue to celebrate a special anniversary.
This is the type of music we really enjoy as it is all about the worship and little to do with the musicians........but of course, that is what makes skilled and sensitive musicians. They are motivated to tell a story or to transport their listeners to a place where they cannot help but respond.
My apologies for the late response. It's been quite hectic around here for a couple of weeks.
Blessings in abundance. Trudee.
Glad to hear from you again @trudeehunter and learn this wonderfully inspired worship team has been a blessing to you and your husband. Rarely has any music had the impact on us they we have experienced in listening to their songs.
If we are having a challenging day, we find their All My Ways Are Known to You song to be "just the ticket" we need for a quick uplift!
Onward and upward!! 🙏 👍
Hi Trudy, oh how i wish we had them here, that would make the world so much happier, they look great and i only knowthem from the zoo or tv. We have ducks hahahaha
Yes we are very fortunate here in Australia with our wonderful bird life. Thanks very much for your visit and comments. Truly appreciated!
Thanks for posting quality posts! Nature is beautiful and we must take care of it and study it. I have voted and rebloged your post😃
I have started a proposal in favor of science and nature in Hive proposals. Please consider supporting my project if you wish.
You can vote for my proposal here:
Thank you for your comments and reblog. Much appreciated.
I love the colours in your images!
Thank you @creativemary for your visit and comments. Glad you like them.