in OnChainArt3 years ago

Hello there @onchainart 's community!

This is my very first post here!
DSC02640 (3).JPG

This is a painting that I created on a canvas using Acrylic paint.
I painted this while I was in Highschool. This is the result. This is my painting telling me to set my spirit free, to not hold back, to speak my truth in times of doubt and fear of letting myself be who I really am. Highschool wasn't always easy... And this painting, my spirit literally talking to me and others that see it, trying to nudge me to the truth. I am never quite sure what to paint, unless I have a concrete Idea, and this time I just let the brush move over the canvas and I let myself go, creating something deep at the same time. I created a message to myself and everyone else. A message that should be spread, a message that is trying to move you, a message that is screaming at you to finally just let go and just be whoever you're meant to be!

This message is for you and after all these years It is still for me too. I often crawl back into my shell, concealing myself, and doubting myself. However, when I look at this painting, it is yet again, trying to push me and move me to speak up, speak my truth, be who I am and conquer the world in my own way!