...and I wonder what could be the reason why she bypasses all umlauts and writes Kroatien with C.
Only Folker's answer and a short search in the net shed light on the matter.
Corona laeuft sich endlich tod
Aber Kondition hat die Dame, das muss man ihr lassen! :-)
Oh, you didn't know, huh? Yeah, I try to answer German comments in German even though I'm still a bit embarrassed stumbling through it. Writing is so difficult! Folker suggested to "screw it" and to just make sure people understand what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to go with that :)
Folker and I often browse Hive together over coffee and he shows me things. When the two of you go on about stuff I don't understand a word, despite having lived here for so many years. What a weird dialect you guys have!
We really have Croatia on the travel list. Unfortunately, we had 2 years of COVID and couldn't go, then our little dog got very sick (and we had to put him to sleep in February) and now we have a new puppy who isn't housebroken and hasn't had his rabies shots yet. So no travel prior to May this year, but perhaps we'll make it down that way later in the year. Can't risk to have the puppy impounded by some overzealous police or border patrol.
With Folker, of course, you also have the best support one could wish for on Hive.
Someday it surely will work out with a holiday south of the Alps!
Greetings back to my old homeland!Folker (@wulff-media) is right of course (as he always is), when he pushes you into this strange language spoken outside the Saarland. What Folker and I practice is close to high culture and therefore difficult for the rest of the world to understand.
Yeah, he's the doyen of the international culture club. 🤣 You're forgetting, I'm living with the man! But he's a good guy, that much is true. Looking forward to meet you one of these days.
Your answers bring more news out than the minute-by-minute reports from the Associated Press. Now I need at least 5 minutes of absolute silence and a black coffee to internally classify what I have absorbed.
Für Folker: Du bischd doch e rischdischer Raddekopp! Do losst der misch in de alde Enlisch-Vokabele wie doof suuche, un de Meischda sitzt dehääm un kännt alles bequem iwwersetze. Do komm isch awwei nur ganz schwäär driwwer weg! :-)
E Raddekopp, aawwer mit Kuldur! Isch hädd dir joo geholf, aawwer ich hanns nidd gesien unn meins hadd nix gepiff. :-(
So sinnse allegaare. Imma alles allään mache wolle, awwer wenn eng wärd, dann kommese aangedaggelt!
Das mit de Kulduur, das schteeht jo ganz außer Froo!
Ja, sie spricht schon fließend Deutsch, mit einem bisschen Pfälzisch und Saarländisch verbrämt, aber sie hat es nie formal gelernt, da hapert's beim Schreiben. Ihr Ami-Laptop hat keine Umlaute auf der Tastatur und unter Windows immer die Codes eingeben wird schnell alt.