...The Emperor wanted to replace the beautiful song of the nightingale with a perfectly made mechanical nightingale which could also sing beautifully, but did not bring any tears to the Emperor's eyes.
May be that's why so many works made with digital tools are cold and machine made looking.
To combine digital tools with the touch of the human hand and soul seems to be the challenge. Like an unpredictable game where each move generates a new order.
The game only ends when you don't surprise anymore playing it.
As an artist you have the will to provocate some reaction by creating situations with an emotional intensity that you cannot experience in real life.
And that's one of the reasons why you should tolerate digital tools only as your servant and not as your master.

upvoted, shared and tweeted - as usual, a stunning piece !
Thanks a lot...as you may have noticed right now I spend more time in the crypto-art field.
so I did - I have to educate myself about this. Old dog, new tricks .....