little update - got a printer :D
and here is the evolution of my first test prints :D
from bad black and white with big stripes, to very nice black & white
from nice black & white to color :>
and another test with more contrast in the colors
and sadly still a little problem in the deep blacks, could be better with not-very-normal paper :D
works very well with linux out-of-the-box
use it by doing a little local hotspot (without internet access) in which I go with the printer and my laptop
(I also use this local hotspot method to ssh into other laptops and transfer data between them :])
finally I can now also print stuff - probably mainly for bureaucracy and letters in the near future
my father likes my test prints to much that he hung them up (:
am happy for that cheap price, just the ink could be cheaper..^^
greets :)