"Last Night in Osaka"
Watercolor on Paper
425gsm, 40cm x 30cm (15¾" x 11⅞")
Thanks for looking, and please don't forget to upvote and reblog if you liked my art. Also, visit my NFT Showroom Gallery if you're interested in collecting NFTs of my paintings. Until next time!
Danke fürs Anschauen, und vergesst bitte nicht das Upvoten und Rebloggen, wenn euch mein Beitrag gefallen hat. Besucht auch meine NFT Showroom Gallery, wenn ihr NFTs meiner Bilder sammeln möchtet. Bis zum nächsten Mal!
Creative Process:

Inspired by a photo by Masashi Wakui on Pixabay.
Bonus Painting!
If you looked at this post thus far it stands to reason that you're actually interested in the art rather than just quick curation per autovote. So I figure you deserve a little treat. :-)
I never published the following piece as I was just screwing around with some cheap new pastel sticks and didn't take process photos. In the end, I actually liked the little painting, so I decided to keep it and share it with you. Thank you for your interest, and Hive On!
Wenn Du dir diesen Beitrag bis hierher angesehen hast, gehe ich davon aus, dass dich Kunst tatsächlich interessiert und du nicht nur Blitzkuration per Autovoter betreibst. Da hast Du jetzt glatt eine kleine Belohnung verdient. :-)
Ich habe das folgende Bild nie veröffentlicht, weil ich bloß mit ein paar billigen, neuen Pastellkreiden experimentieren wollte und deshalb keine Fotos der Zwischenschritte gemacht habe. Am Schluß hat mir das Bildchen aber trotzdem gefallen, so ich entschloss mich, es zu behalten und mit dir zu teilen. Danke für dein Interesse und Hive On!

"Three Bare Fields"
Soft Pastel on Paper
250gsm, 30cm x 21cm (A4)
A question for @ranchorelaxo • @appreciator • @btu • @trafalgar • @haejin • @buildawhale • @blocktrades • @themarkymark • @jphamer1 • @theycallmedan and all you other whales out there:
Sorry for the tagging; I'll do it just this once. Lately I notice you guys are curating like it's going out of style. I'm painting my little heart out here, posting regularly, but not excessively. What do I have to do to get you to look at my posts once in a while? What am I missing? Any hint in the comments including honest critizisms would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time!
Do haschde da jo mol wädder e scheen Sauwedder ausgesuucht.
Außerdem hat de Buub kä Schdiel am Räänschärm. :-)
Wann sräänt räänts hald! Wass sollichen mache? Unn der Buub hat zwei Schdiele, ääner siehschde ganz genau unn der annere is aa doo.
Aweile awwer, ma muss deene Blinde nur mit de Naas druff schtooße.
Ein sehr schönes Bild hast du da gemalt.
Hat ein bisschen was wie manche Metaverse.
Gefällt mir besser wie die anderen Bilder von Dir.
Das ist aber Geschmackssache und nicht negativ gemeint.
Mehr davon 👍👍👍
Danke Andi, ich werde versuchen, mich zu bessern. 😉
Nice one(s)!
The first has a ton of detail. Looks like you put a lot of effort into it and must have taken some time.
The second looks different than usual but very good. It looks like you drew over something (top left corner). Or is that part of the image? Maybe it's the light rays coming through the clouds?
Thanks Dane. Yes, the main painting took a while to complete. The second one I tacked on as an afterthought. You see, I store my paintings in sealed cellophane sleeves. Putting this one away, the second one fell into my hands and it occured to me that I never posted it, so I snapped a quick photo. What you're complaining about are reflections on the cellophane from the office window on the left. But "light rays from the clouds" is good, too. :-)
That makes sense.
Thats fantastic thanks for showing the process! lol... yes i did read to the end. :-)
same with my posts too i think. All the best your work is great
Thank you Sarah :-) I'm glad you liked it and read it, too.
welcome thanks for the follow, will look out for your artwork :-)
Tagging me and other whales is a sure way to not get me to vote you.
Thanks for your quick response. Sorry, I understand that tagging is not supposed to be done and won't do it again, but I'm genuinely curious. I have been on Hive for years now, but I really don't understand why I can't get past a certain "fan base" and the occasional Curie vote.
I feel like I'm spinning my wheels: I'm crossposting in a bunch of appropriate communities, so post visibility should be fine. But some people might consider that spam, despite it being a legal feature? I tried long posts with text, currently short posts with nothing but pictures, posts with videos... Maybe my paintings are garbage? But why then am I getting positive comments so often?
So, we have established that you hate tagging. But please give me one minute and drop me a hint whether you have noticed my paintings at all in the past, and where I'm falling short. Thank you!
Hello! I like your art. Speaking of your question, will I tell you that I've only been here a few months and I think Hive is a bit of an odd community, for better or worse? I don't know, you can have 100, 200, 500 votes on your posts and that will not necessarily translate into an increase in followers, since usually those votes are from "trail" and the profits are from whales that may or may not like your art regardless of whether it is good or not, since everything is subjective, in my opinion the whales seek to encourage what they consider "good publications" that end up being "profitable", maybe I'm wrong but it's what I think. All this generates that there are publications with good content but not very paid and publications with little content and paid excessively, but it is only my opinion, in the end I think that one should publish what we like and improve day by day.
oh and don't worry your art is great!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this with me. :-)
Good job friend.
Thanks :-)