Abstract Comics Sequence 1 Experimental

in OnChainArt4 years ago


I'm a HUGE comics fan. I have been since I was a kid. I think comics was really the first visual medium I connected with and since I was very young, I've made some attempt at doing comics art. As a kid it was the usual superhero, horror, and war comics stuff, but I got into slice of life and alternative comics in my later teens. I was in art classes pretty much all through high school and did get a partial art scholarship to university. I progressed to "fine" art, but still illustration and comics always, ALWAYS were there in some form. As a university art student, Pop art was really big for me. Warhol, Rauchenberg, Lichtenstein, and Jasper Johns were among (and still are) my favourites. Makes sense. Later artists like Keith Haring and Basquait were my particular favourites as a young arts student.

Anyway, I was completely intrigued when about 10 years ago, I stumbled upon the concept of abstract comics. For some reason I intuited such a thing should exist, but never really thought it was a thing. I was pretty excited to find out it really was. So lately, I've swung around to try some experimentation in the form. To push my boundaries and see where it goes. Here is the first sequential abstraction piece in a series I'm doing. I'll probably release these as NFTs in the NFT Showroom. If you want to know more, I HIGHLY recommend the Abstract Comics Anthology by Andrei Molotiu published by Fantagraphics. Here is a review of that work: https://comicbookjesus.com/2009/06/28/abstract-comics-the-anthology-review/

Also for a blog about abstract comics, check out this link: http://abstractcomics.blogspot.com/

I hope you enjoy it out. It is really an interesting form and I look forward to continuing the sequence. Cheers!



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