I have been reading a LOT of comics lately. Particularly anything by Jack Kirby with one of my newer favourites Erik Larsen thrown in. I've been hankerin for some classic comics goofiness and strangeness. So I was messing around and came up with this bunch of misfits. It really got me itching to start working on my idea for the 4C RPG - a clone of the old TSR Marvel Superheroes system (fondly known as FASERIP for its attribute system). I LOVED FASERIP as a kid. I played it as much as if not more than Dungeons and Dragons as a teen. It was simple, used just two ten sided dice, and really captured the feel of Marvel style comic book action. To this day it is still my favourite comic book superheroes game. Sure, there are other great systems out there that I love, particularly Green Ronin's Mutants and Masterminds, but for ease of play and just quick, off the cuff superhero mayhem, this ALWYS scratches that itch for me.
Anyway, many moons ago, Philip Reed from Ronin Arts (now he's at Steve Jackson Games) released the 4C system as an open copy right variant of the FASERIP system. There is quite a bit of stuff out there for it. G Core is a polished version of 4C with lots of fan support. I might use the G Core version for my little endeavour. I am thinking about releasing it as a Pay What You Want over at Drive Thru RPG. That way folks can get their hands on it for free, of if they so desire, consider a donation to the cause of world building.
Anyway, if you are curious, you can find 4C here for free:
G Core is here:
and if you want to check out my self published RPG efforts for Swords and Wizardry (old school Dungeons and Dragons), go here: