Mountainous Journey

in OnChainArt5 years ago


Here's another short post of what happened to me last week. A friend, @balladino called me up and asked me if we wanted to go for a walk. He had previously already mentioned that he has a bike in his cellar since 4 years and he doesn't use it. My road bike got stolen and the lock got picked in January at the local train station. That bike was in really bad shape, old and I had a frontal collision with a tram in 2015 that partially destroyed the gear system and made it irreparable. I think that was my only accident and it was action packed. I bounced away, flew and tore some really strong raw denim jeans I got made in the process. That fabric was almost cardboard hard and robust, but tore. A near death experience, I still wear headphones on longer trips which would have been the lesson to take from that incident. I guess if it gets you it does. Fortunately it was the only accident I had apart from some drivers who didn't pay attention to the side of their cars while in traffic at a signal and closing in I few meters a minute, squeezing me to the side. As I relied on that bike a lot because public transport isn't always affordable to me, I would use it quite frequently. In fact I never really used public transport much until I was 21 and people in my town used to make fun of me, because I'd cycle downtown. I had the last laugh in the 90s when there were no night buses and they asked me when I was chillin with the ladies if i'd take the the last train or bus. I just looked at them and said: "Naw man, I got a bike". It gets even weirder when you can race them down town and notice that you're faster because the train takes a detour. Recently the same kind of people say: "Don't believe anything this guy says about crypto, he's vegan." lol

Rumours around my small town were that I run to the cities along the train tracks at night. Some Swiss hill billies really like to ridicule foreign looking people with the silliest shit.

@balladino aka jules just gifted me this bike and I didn't believe it. I felt like it was my birthday, because it's such an awesome bike. I previously never had a frame fit my height that well, which made my first ride with julien to see him and his band practice that same evening memorable and enjoyable. I immediately grabbed some spare parts from older cycles at my work shop/studio. One of the cyclist's who inspire me on here in case you wanna give them a follow are @kiwibloke. His posts are are powerful.


The next day I went to see @needapencil cuz we ordered some stickers and wanted to run a stickerz rampage a city away. Penetrating through strong winds, I had to cross a beautiful valley. I ordered around 500 @yangyanje stickers, hoping that maybe someone might wonder. It would lead them to hive, our amazing communities and would give them an idea about free speech, decentralised economy and the web 3.0.


I will be going there again today since i'm getting 500 stickers more. I also got to know about a really cool spot that reminded me of a place I would love to just train at.


I didn't get enough, so I couldn't stop right there. I decided to do a bit more than a tenth of Switzerland. I am not the best #actifit reporter and my fit battery was pretty low when I left. Before taking a route that I decided for, I stopped by some remote Studio close to the Lägern. A wooded mountain of the Jura Mountains that leads through a valley that one can follow almost up to the capital.


On my way I saw some really interesting places that need a certain pace to be discovered.


Arriving in the city of Baden, Aargau. Where cyclists get killed by reckless motorists. These guys seriously can't drive and they all seem to have the same number plate "AG". What I don't understand about this state, is that they honk at you, even if you have no other choice but to be on the road because there isn't a cycle path ? The Kanton of Aargau is also known to have the most lenient drivers in general. The swiss like to say "huere argauer" lol


Starting rather late, I had google maps send me to random places. Avoiding googles directions most of the time, I ended up falling for random traps when google decided to even send me through a forest on a pebble path. Seriously?




I really enjoyed riding through random Swiss towns, imagining how they looked like a 100 years ago.



Close to sunset, I noticed I still had a way ahead to the place I wanted to reach.


Moving towards Lenzburg, which is a fortress on top of a hill, the light and ambience conveyed serenity.





Arriving in Seon, I kept going ...


This is a picture from a place called Beromünster, where I stayed for a while with @soenana. I shall soon elaborate more about this amazing place. A place of knights and warriors...Remnants of the past knights of the Swiss mountains. Strong men who were said to have jogged to Paris in their armour as if it was something they'd just do. I also wanna visit the graves of these legendary Swiss knights at another Kanton soon. On one of my trips is also a place called wildberg that has a Buddhist temple in a beautiful valley that literally seems like a fairy tale around this time of the year when its blooming.


A bit further down in Lucerne, Switzerland at the lake, surrounded by a beautiful view of the mountains.


After resting for two days I decided to ride back a much shorter route.



Passing Lake Hallwil on my way back I got a glimpse of it during daylight. The reflections of buildings and light on the water when I was on my way there were engraved in my memory. Some pictures just can't be taken as good as your memory of the experience.


Reaching back sooner than expected I was glad to have only just a few more hills until reaching home.

Someone who I am really grateful is @artemislives, because she motivated me to write and post more. It's a really good way to put down your thoughts, sort them but also makes me go through my data. Recently it wasn't really the data, since I have an abundance of posts in my pipeline with image folders, video footage to edit but also run a few other hive accounts. I cannot even fathom how much I learned from everyone here, how grateful I am to be a part of this community. Everything makes so much more sense to me, specially whats next. Recently I have made a huge leap in voice over recordings, by just making silly hive ads and trailer voices for fun. Mostly in pitch, intonation, rhythm and different languages, I will post separately next.

It's practice to refine something. Being around people who share so much insight, we all seem to evolve together. Its really felt very strong if you get immersed. What concerns me is still is the many on here to whom this seems like some digital gold rush. Like on some fever, they seem more concerned about their investment rather than contributing to it's growth. If it's just about money to you, you are missing the point in value, community and that it's something we share in the time we invest. That time never comes back! This journey isn't about me, it's actually about you! While you might write your next post, remember that you give so much inspiration to people. Hey, I cleaned up half of my garden thanks to the homesteaders and NM community with posts I read a year ago that still permeate and resonate with me. I also want to share something that I read out of so many posts. "Be enough for yourself. You are good as you are. "(Quoting @bewithbreath) Also be really good to yourself, you are important. I know for a fact that everyone here have been truly exceptional when meeting them in real life. So much that it could not have been a coincidence because there aren't any coincidences. We are all on a journey to make our own choices and also to become responsible and run our own global decentralised economy ourselves. I still feel most connected to hive in my thoughts and you guys are always gonna be my major source of inspiration even if I don't post for a week. I am actually really happy that some digital gold rush cartoon characters here unfollowed me. A message to the whales from the dungeons of the untouchables and from various dolphins. Hive has come a long way to have it labelled as a DPOS social class system. Moving forward after this hard fork, we still have to address some issues here. Specially the witnesses know what I mean. There was a satoshi, a buterin and a larimer, but there's also an optimus prime and a mathemat-magician and their team around us who build an entire side chain when we were on a long leash for dev funds. Some of us put their life blood into this and the passion is truly felt. It's guys like me who put their fists up for people like this!

In case you wondered, I painted a canvas with that avatar and was clinically dead for a few minutes about a week later due to a pneumonia. I used a lot of math on the original canvas that also fits a hexagon.

Time for some more sticking stickerz and biking today, as the sun is shining through my window and I grab my headphones for another ride to the city of Winterthur.

shadow_fw_ .png

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Thank you so much for the shoutout. Cycling is much more than just going from A to B in the shortest amount of time, you get to enjoy more of the surrounding country side or picturesque suburb streets. Like everything there is always pitfalls along the way, sorry to read about your accident and the theft of your cycle.

Your photo's are stunning, this post is inspiring, time for me to ride!

Thanks for your strong reply. You 100 km's still astonish me today. It's so strong when k think that you are exactly on the other side of the planet and move people with your inspiring activities. I wasn't active here for a while but would like to change that.

Here's another short post of what happened to me last week.


Reminds me of one of my favorite phrases that's contrary to who I am:

"To make a long story short." ( I literally blogged about that jokingly yesterday )

Anyhow, I love longer stories, especially when they're adventures and intriguing, like yours. As a bonus there's awesome pictures too

Take care buddy and keep these stories coming ( at your own pace )

P.S. Loved this part too:

This journey isn't about me, it's actually about you! While you might write your next post, remember that you give so much inspiration to people.

This is a beautiful thought that I wholeheartedly agree with, it's one of the reasons why I consider myself a storyteller and why I love it when others share their personal stories.

My mate! It's so nice to catch you here. I really would like to work on creating shorter stories and maybe increasing the quantity. You of all know how long they take me from that bus trip we had together. It's so funny that I thought about you as well when I wrote that. Vince! you are always so encouraging :) thank you for stopping by. Very true on the pace. I have been getting the feeling that more posting, curation etc. is almost expected from some people that resembles the fast moving conventional social medias. When in fact blockchains are entirely that! a post gets old after a minute here. Quantity, Quality, finding ones pace. Those are things I thought about lately. Only really exploring how i'd like to write yet. That way all you guys have been my best teachers.

I sometimes wonder if we journey in the physical realm to give shape and voice and form to the incredible journeys which live and unfold within us.

I LIKE the yangyanje stickers elegantly adorning sterile swiss electric and light poles, inviting the closer look.

The gathering of community around the globe - the connections, the gifts, the love, the smiles and the inspiration - THAT's what we are and give one another.

Stunning images, my dear. Crisp with moody half-light that makes me happy to be European somewhere in my soul.

Please keep writing, exploring, connecting,sharing and being real - the world needs more of this.

Truly a special kind of European i can relate to, living in Asia. 😊 very lucid in both states, It does feel like dreams and reality are beginning to build up as two parallel experiences that shape my understanding when ever i move towards a lunar phase. I can feel the next one a week away. The journeys i make during my dream states currently strongly show a world in where decentralized economy is sense that i try to make of during my waking states.

Just ordered another batch of 500 stickers. Actually noticed that i pay attention to others who paste them around and look them up. At times these artists are gems. I hope that people make their way to our blockchain through it, as they can only find @yangyanje in this sphere.

haha yes, I also spend rather a lot of my waking state trying to understand and assimilate wtf happened in my dream state and travels. The lunar energy is indeed intoxicating and powerful - be grateful you are not a woman. It can literally overwhelm.

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Do not miss the last post from @hivebuzz:

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🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. We do miss you at our virtual 🧘🏼‍♂️🧘🏼‍♀️Session😊.

Bewithbreathji, thought it is the perfect time to meditate with you again my dear friend.

Hopefully see you this evening at 8:30pm UK time then? At (click Live😀)