I wanted to try something new which is to pick a moment from Plave's video and make it into a painting.
For people who don't know who they are, Plave is a virtual kpop boy band created by VLAST
Here is the screenshot! I think it's kinda cute so I wanted to challenge myself to draw this in my style.
Here is the draft, I exaggerated some parts like the facial expression.
Base colour and start rendering
Continue to paint, not sure how this painting will end up looking like
Here is the final!
I also posted a short video for this painting on my channel!
and here is the original video
Thank you for reading!
Hope you have a nice day! ❤️
Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/@Yunayunayuna99
Visit my Redbubble store: http://Yuna99.redbubble.com
Facebook art page: https://www.facebook.com/Yunasart99
Instagram art page : https://www.instagram.com/yuna_9988/
NFT Showroom: https://nftshowroom.com/yunayuna/gallery/