The hamster princess | Daily doodles

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I'm always lowkey enjoying turning non-living things or animals to human form, or made changes to it. Creating creature or different character theme. It's a pretty big help when I don't really know what to draw or when I'm in an art block.

Recently I'm enjoying making drawings for hamster. For me, hamster can be really funny in how they act and react to things. I had an hamster when I was young. From my memory I guess it was a syrian hamster, because it's size is pretty big and it looks a lot like this


Syrian hamster or the teddy bear hamster is consider the smartest hamster breed. It's friendly and sweet. I always read in the internet, that owners think Syrian is the best and the most try hard in escaping. I think due to it's curious nature, it always get caught in the funniest photos and I'm obsessed with it.




So I decided to create a princess character for this hamster.

hamster syrian1.jpg

Talaaa, fluffy hair is a must for a the Syrian.
hamster syrian2.jpg
Reference picture, the way they stand and stare makes them even cuter and funnier

Little facts about Syrian!
Syrian hamsters are solitary animals and do not tolerate company, they might kill each other in a same cage.

Thank you for reading!
Hope you have a nice day! ❤️

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Nice picture

Thank youuuu