Six identical paintings, plus one unusual. Шесть картин, плюс одна необычная

in OnChainArt2 years ago

At my art parties, it often happens that each participant writes his own personal picture, according to a sample chosen by himself, but sometimes a failure occurs in the matrix and then all participants extraterrestrially agree to depict the same picture.

So it happened at that time. Back in the fall, I had an amazing painting event, when several beautiful girls chose to work with a picture of a lady in a magnificent dress. However, one of the participants decided to follow her course.

As a result, we got a set of almost identical paintings, however, if you look closely, they all differ quite a lot. The girl, who did not want to draw the same as everyone else, chose a bright plot with a sunset on a lavender field and balloons on the horizon.

During the general photographing at the end of the session, all the participants were smiling, but the best mood was still with the one who held in her hands her individual, unlike anything else masterpiece)

На моих арт-вечеринках часто бывает так, что каждый участник пишет свою личную картину, согласно выбранному им самим образцу, но иногда в матрице случается сбой и тогда все участники внезампно соглашаются изображать одну и ту же картину.

Так случилось и в тот раз. Ещё осенью у меня состоялось удивительное мероприятие по живописи, когда несколько прекрасных девушек выбрали для работы картину с изображением леди в пышном платье. Однако одна из участниц решила следовать своим курсом.

В итоге у нас получился набор почти одинаковых картин, впрочем, если хорошо приглядеться, все они отличаются и довольно сильно. Девушка, которая не пожелала рисовать то же, что и все, выбрала яркий сюжет с закатом на лавандовом поле и с воздушными шарами на горизонте.

Во время общего фотографирования в конце сеанса, все участницы улыбались, но самое лучшее настроение было всё же у той, кто держала в руках свой индивидуальный, ни на что не похожий шедевр )

Acrylic paints, canvas, dimensions 40x60 cm


I love these artistic events, in my country they are not very usual... The paintings of each lady are beautiful!

Since you are quite an experienced artist, you can organize such events in your city yourself) It will take some spending on easels and paints, and in any cafe they will gladly allocate you a table and two or three hours of free time.

My goodness! This is beautiful, I'm already rooting for the lady with a different art. Hehe, reason being she's just like me, I love to stand out in everything I do. Lol. All painting is nice, I wish I could paint, my room would be so filled with different paintings of different things and I don't think there'd be enough space for a feet. Hahaha

Thank you for your warm commen, dear friend )

My pleasure 😊

This is really cool, all the paintings look really nice. It is awesome that some group painting activities are done where you are, looks like fun

Thank you, dear friend )

The painting of the sunset balloon girl really came out nice!

It is really so. Thank You )