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RE: The Landing VFX Project

in OnChainArt5 years ago

I can certainly see the amount of work, and the endless hours being put into this. Having studied engineering design, I can remember how difficult it is to make a CAD model... Which is the closes in experience I've ever gotten to this XD. If I was working for BMW, I'd so push them to give you one!

Also, greetings to Malaysia, from Malaysia :-D

 5 years ago  

ah thats nice :) nice to meet you my friend :) i have been in Malaysia for almost a year and a half now. Its quite nice and peaceful but sadly the times we'r in at the moment and the Covid making it difficult for everyone.

i do agree with you, Building up your assets in 3D its challenging sometimes and takes long hours and dedication

Yeah, Covid has certainly grounded the world to a screeching halt. As they say, no pain, no gain. The amount of hard work being poured into this VFX shows for itself <3

 5 years ago  

<3 stay safe my friend :)

Posted using Dapplr

You too, mate. It's worth being more careful out there, since there's been a new mutation/strain of Covid detected here in Malaysia. It's apparently x10 more infectious. Take care, and stay safe!

 5 years ago  

yeah im watching the news, Stay safe brother <3