The visit again to our chemist shop☺️

in Life Stories2 years ago

Incase you missed previous post,
Here is the link too🤭

Kids are very fun loving people you know, each time they take out their time to gather and play .most of them always bear no grudges at all ,
Not even against some one who might have spanked them or done something that might have made them cry🤭..

The baby on that baby jumpers was running temperature and it was because she started growing her first two tooth's,
All the kids drug given to her was proving abortive and so we had to take her to my mums chemist shop.

That was actually after 2days ,and yea most of my siblings are scared of going there too because our mum usually give us injections too instead of drugs,especially if we fall sick.
So my elder sis was arguing about taking her baby there for the fact that my mum will have to inject the baby herself🤭🤭,

Shes a nurse and really good with stuffs like that ,
if she gives you injections twice ,more like for two days .
you will definitely find your self running around and feel way much better ..
I had to take the baby to my mum my self including my sister's two kids,
We got there and my mum prepared every things..
At last, the baby was given the injections and in less than 3hours the baby was just running around after soo much crying 😢😢..
Well like magic she felt better and decided to play with her sibling from the jumper..
There they took turns in pushing her around and carrying her to different part of the shop.

It was indeed amazing watching the kids play with their baby sis ,and i had to just take them this pictures too🤭🤭🤭.
The baby will be going to take her final injects by tomorrow.


We wish your children good health!