KoiChoco - 16-18 Hour Mark Impressions (Spoilers)

in The Visual Novel Den6 months ago (edited)

Hey y'all. Sorry for the delay. This play session was four hours over three days time due to mostly time for the last week or so. Just like with my previous posts like this, I'm not documenting my full playthrough but instead staggering my play in four hour sessions and then talking about my thoughts on what happens in the last two hours. That way I don't spoil the entirety of the game's content and also have the risk of losing the ability to talk about important moments that occur during the first two hours. Let's Jam!!!

Check Out Previous Sessions

School Festival Time

Where this part of the session began was on this wonderful scene of the auditorium where all of the running candidates and their parties were raising funds for their campaigns and giving away free promotional materials (such as pamphlets or Yaoi Sticks). I absolutely adore the chibi characters on the top left that are eating meat while riding very mortified cows. The girl on the far right of them, her complete shock is priceless. There are many other fun little jokes throughout, but that one was my favorite.

I took this screenshot because I wanted to find out what this was about. It turns out that in Japanese, this is a common part of their folk lore. Essentially, when someone is nervous (like Yuuki was here; he was about to give his initial campaign speech), by drawing the character for person (人) three times in one's palm and then imagining that you're consuming it, you are metaphorically eating your anxiety. (Source)

Bless her big tittied heart. Aomi-san is precious. She was trying to continue to help Yuuki feel better here but then he straight up got her to fully smile with some smooth talk. I'll be coming back to her later.

The Ballot Scene was Intense

I appreciate how this entire scene was handled. There was exposition (which I know some people hate) but it made sense here and was needed for understanding how the entire section played out. The adaptation portrayed it well enough but here, it felt like it had hard stakes. The music and pacing of each update and character's reactions were what I would expect from them in real life. The entire club also got to participate in the scene in equal measures (with Michiru, the cat girl, being just adorable the entire time).

This reporter has been almost a joke related to Yuuki's possible mental health issues (he's been seeing and hearing things that weren't "real" within the context of the world). I appreciate that they get some characterization here, leading to a bit of mystery (which the Anime didn't really touch on). They're gender was "fluid" and they had seemed hostile towards the club but were overall professional and had some very warm moments during this entire scene.

Of course, she'd be the one that announced that Yuuki made it through the preliminaries. I already know what she will do when she gets home. She's very kinky is all I can say!!!

Arake and Garage are Just Good Kids (Despite Being Weirdos)

In the two hours that I won't be discussing too much, these two were raising funds for their respective clubs. Yuuki winning the preliminaries gave them reason to share a percentage of their earnings. Chisato's genuine happiness and gratefulness to their gesture of pure friendship was wonderful. I know many people that have played this don't like her as a character, but I love her. She's very multidimensional and fun.

Aomi-san Route Confirmed

So, context: after the club members go their separate ways, Yuuki ran home to get his bike. He had a plan: scare the shit out of the girl he liked and give her a ride home. I love what this scene meant in context of earlier conversations with her.

She walks 45 minutes a day to get to school due to her mother using her bike for work. They're very poor and Yuuki didn't say he remembered that comment but swept her off her feet by doing this. I was cheering him on too, although, they never explicitly say what she grabbed but they implied that it was his manhood; it's more likely that she wrapped her arms around his stomach instead. I love how the game teases but never directly goes all the way on the Eroge elements.

And then, this line came. He was asking her about getting a second bike, and she responded with how she was concerned about her family. I can fully relate with my current work being very contract based, leading to a similar mindset. I don't have a family of my own but do know what it's like to make decisions based on risk and reward when it comes down to my own needs.

Yuuki, you corny bastard!!! I loved how much cheese he had in this moment. He rarely ever laid it on prior (except when playing around with Chisato and Mifuyu during some earlier scenes), so seeing it here was a treat. If his character had only shown just this side, I would have been annoyed.

Dinner with the Family

Oh my lord. One of the first things Aomi's younger brother Chii brought up at the dinner table was how he and her were reading porn. She straight up lost it!!! Her brothers are amazing.

Also, note the Ronald McDonald on the bottom of the calendar. That is a definitely supposed to be a Big Mac on top. I love weird background gags and references like this so so much.

This food looks amazing. It's also sad how poor her family really is. Both of her siblings were portrayed as slightly dirty with worn clothes but as good kids. And, Yuuki observing how she treated them and avoided eating the meat was a nice little detail. I grew up in a house like hers and did much of the same with my siblings. I got a little teary eyed and nostalgic, is what I'm attempting to say.

Yooooo. Chiiiii!!!! I love how much of a little shit he was. She's been talking about her feelings for Yuuki at home only to have Chii just straight up put them out there. Her fists go flying and he goes crying. I was a bit taken aback by this new side of her but their dynamic was comfy.

And now, the session ended with a wish. Earlier, the wish was to keep the Shokken club together forever. The new wish, to forever love her and have her be loved by the club (in different words of course). Very corny but after what happened to her in the Anime, I am very happy that her route is a go!!!

Current Fears and Concerns

I actually have some this time now that I'm entering new territory. I mean the events are still playing out somewhat the same as they were in the Anime (for the main plot, that is), but now that I'm locked in with Aomi, it looks like Chisato may be dating the current Student Body President. In hindsight, I'm scared she'll turn on Yuuki now and there will be a somewhat bad end due to how much it's established so far that she was in love with our main character. The President right now is helping with the campaign but his motives aren't 100% altruistic. Chisato may be friendly with Aomi and really does care about her plight and those of other Keitoku, but that could be out of care for Yuuki more than anything in this case. Time will tell.

I hope Chisato remains close to him and things end up the best for everyone by the end. Also, if Yuuki and Aomi do have sex and it shows the scene, I will be one happy man only because of how much it's holding back. Don't cancel me please!!! 💀

This session wasn't as dense or heavily focused on the darker elements as the last one. I seriously love the pace for this more than the adaptation now. It's very surprising how well AIC Build were able to adapt most of it, though. My favorite part of the entire session sadly was not adapted directly by the Anime or part of the second two hours, so I didn't go into it. Let's just say there was a second pantie gag that killed me!!!

I hope you enjoyed my thoughts here, and I'll be continuing to post in the future as I go. What were your thoughts? Are you also playing this? Leave your comments below, vote and reblog. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful night.