Losing all my progress in chess variant antichess (sadly)

Ready, set, go

We're back with the usual chess content and of course my favorite chess variant for now is back on the scene, which is antichess

I usually post it a lot here but in case you don't know how it works, here I'll explain the general rule a little bit

The first player to run out of pieces or possible moves wins and each piece we can capture with our pieces must be done in a mandatory way and in any given turn we will not have another move available

Sounds simple right? Well, quite the opposite, because you come to the board thinking in one way and you have to reconfigure your whole brain to think exclusively about these two rules

I've been playing antichess for almost a year now and although I've risen in rank quite a bit, I don't think I'm among the best yet, or so it seems

I played a tournament recently and I came to the conclusion that my absence has diverted me a bit from the path I want for this year, which is to surpass the 2200 rating as well as continue winning tournaments in this variant as I did last year

Even so, you can't deny that some of these games that I'm going to show you are beautiful and how close they usually are

Also following tradition, I'm playing quick games of less than a minute since this variant usually takes very little time and is also decided in a few moves

To give you an idea, by move six we can already have an outcome and most of the games don't last more than move twelve, so as you can see, they are quick games

What is difficult at the beginning is understand the rules and understand the first moves in this variation, since they can be decisive for us or for the opponent, so we will have to be especially careful with this

There are even openings in this variation but I am not going to go into too much detail and I am going to leave you with some juicy games so that you can see them and be encouraged to play with me