Chess - Road to FM - Episode #2

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Hello #Hive!

Today was super exciting for my #chess journey! I made episode 2 of my series all about chess and trying to become a FIDE master. My rating is going up and up, and I'm almost at 300! In this episode, I played against some really tough opponents from all over the world.

"LiLRadif" from China started with this thing called the "Giuoco Piano". It was tricky, but I tried my best! Then, "mamoonkha" from India did something called the "Wayward Queen Attack". That was a surprise! Next up was "Maks7007" from Ukraine. They used the "Pirc Defense": Modern Defense, Geller System. Phew, that's a mouthful! Finally, "Byeonsindongbin" from South Korea played the "Queen's Pawn Opening". Each game was super #fun and made me think really hard.

Playing against these players taught me a lot about #strategy, being patient, and not giving up, even when things get tough. Chess isn't just about winning; it's about getting better with every game.

I'm so pumped to keep going on this #journey. Becoming a FIDE master might seem like a big goal, but I know if I keep practicing and trying my best, I can do it! Every game brings me closer to that #dream, and I'm so thankful for the chance to challenge myself and meet other chess fans from all over.

I'm also super excited to share my #progress with all of you through my series. Your support means everything to me, and I hope my journey inspires you to go after your own dreams, no matter how big they seem.

Thanks for joining me on this #adventure. Let's keep exploring the awesome world of chess together and get really good at the game we love!

Bye for now,

Also check: Episode 1

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Nice one love a bit of chess! It is better to loose than to win, always play people better than you this way you get better!