[ES/EN] 👊🏻Finishing with 🔥queen and 💥knight


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Estas imágenes han sido mezcladas por mí / These images have been mixed by me


Hola, chess lovers, hoy juego con blancas y me enfrento a "uniforced", es una partida "blitz" de la "ronda 9" del torneo "Hivechess S19" que pude ganar gracias a la captura de la dama enemiga y rematando con dama y caballo.
Hello, chess lovers, today I'm playing with white and I'm facing "uniforced", it's a "blitz" game from "round 9" of the "Hivechess S19" tournament that I was able to win thanks to capturing the enemy queen and finishing with queen and knight.


El caballo negro se ha ubicado en "d4" amenazando a mi dama de "e2", lo que significa que debo eliminar ese caballo, pero esto provocará el avance de su peón de "e5" a "d4" y esto molestara a mi caballo de "c3".
The black knight has positioned itself on "d4" threatening my queen on "e2", which means that I must eliminate that knight, but this will cause the advance of its pawn from "e5" to "d4" and this will disturb my knight on "c3".


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Mi rival comete el error de capturar el peón de "c6" con su dama, así que aprovecho y lo capturo con mi alfil de "b5".
My opponent makes the mistake of capturing the c6 pawn with his queen, so I take advantage and capture it with my b5 bishop.


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Mi caballo de "d6" y dama de "f4" están apuntando a "f7", pero el caballo de "f6" estorba, por lo que debo intentar sacar esa pieza de allí.
My knight on d6 and queen on f4 are aiming for f7, but the knight on f6 is in the way, so I must try to get that piece out of there.


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Mi dama ya ingreso a la casilla "f7" con el apoyo de mi caballo en "d6", el rey negro solo puede refugiarse a la casilla "h8", pero es inútil porque mi dama dará jaque mate en "f8".
My queen has already entered the "f7" square with the support of my knight on "d6", the black king can only retreat to the "h8" square, but it is useless because my queen will checkmate on "f8".


Fuente / Source

Mira la partida aquí / Watch the game here"


Me puedes encontrar en lichess con el usuario "RicardoFox", hasta pronto y buenas partidas.
You can find me in lichess with the user "RicardoFox", see you soon and good games.

La traducción se hizo con / The translation was done with:



Nice! How did you "deflect" Black's knight from f6?

@hirohurl likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/5)@elcholitosanto! to your account on behalf of @hirohurl.

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