A very nice puzzle and solution by @eniolw and @kreur. However the moves appear to go wrong at move twelve (Qe4+ Kf6). If twelve (Qa4) then checkmate. Correct me if i am wrong.
You're correct! White can opt for a longer variation though. Instead of going to the queenside, they can head to the kingside again to get checkmated there. Your animation is great as usual. Thanks!
A very nice puzzle and solution by @eniolw and @kreur. However the moves appear to go wrong at move twelve (Qe4+ Kf6). If twelve (Qa4) then checkmate. Correct me if i am wrong.
You're correct! White can opt for a longer variation though. Instead of going to the queenside, they can head to the kingside again to get checkmated there. Your animation is great as usual. Thanks!