§3 šahist$ (& each monitor - a medal)

-- registered in the statistics, it is they who have the right to moral compensation with a crypt for the work of the brain.
Earlier I suggested filling out the form and leaving in comment


| paraakk | ideology | profession | Elo-960 | |-|-|-|-| |||||

I'll add 2 more options:

  • №2) a tweet in dBuzz with a mention of me - for šwriters, tweets are often a clearer tool than post-scribing
  • №3) Intro-post in škorolivsTV°, of course, in your native jargon, where you talk about the profession that you chose for paraakk and about the formation of your ideology. Not what do you think about this whole world, but why

In general, dBuzz was chosen by me for registration of newbies, and membership in škorolivsTV° is a condition for winning on bets. So they can come in handy if you want to get not only for the game

Now about the sad. I received a notification about treacherous cheating, but on chess.com the identity of the swindler is not disclosed, because it is intimate, so the next paraakk will probably be on li.chess, where can immediately see who wanted to onfuck the honest people.
I aimed dick at nose, and it turned out to be the admired Indian girl, the game with which you saw in previous posts.

Ideally, it would be to play in the hypertournament mode, but so far the paraakk is the same "chess.com+dBuzz", and I don't see any registrations. Traditional for chessers braking.
And in order not to finance cheating, payments will be postponed for a week or there will be a white list for daily payments, who the hell knows, offer

Interestingness of the last tours in hive:

MonTueWedThuFriSatSundaily 17.34GMT

Tours that meet šroyal standards will be counted in the overall statistics (§3) and monetized according to the general scheme (§4)

in case of misunderstanding, as always, you can translate the original into your native language and get more or less the whole of the two optionsIn the community, you can pre-posts on chess-political topics in your favorite jargons of any language. And then give a link to the original in the English version
WHERE WRITE SOME OTHERгде напішете нескољко іное

I practically do not watch tournament chats, all questions and suggestions - are in the blogchain

just to run a race as a horse without registering in the statistics and $