 2 years ago  

Interesting, the motif is indeed very similar ...
I see the winning move for white but don't post it yet, as I don't want to give the readers a very strong hint on what could be the solution of my chess puzzle. :)

Yes, tactical themes repeat in chess and makes it interesting and fun to research similar games and positions. This is the last game of the 2016 world championship when Carlsen won the match and defended his title against Sergey Karjakin. The commentators went crazy when Carlsen found the winning move :).

More games:




 2 years ago  

Well, so I am kind of a little Carlsen (you will see that if you replay the linked blitz game in my post): I found a similar move like Carlsen in a three-minutes blitz game, hehe. :-)

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the puzzle with no success. It's amazing you found it in such a short time.


 2 years ago (edited) 

Well, the bltz game I played gave me only the inspiration to create the chess puzzle, which I posted here.
(In the blitz game I actually saw the decisive attack already when I played the prepairing move h5!)

In the past, when I was still more active on HIVE, I have composed many chess riddles which is why the number of this chess problem is that high (82).

Finally got it after using the other games as reference and knowing h3 as the crucial square.

 2 years ago  

Later I will post a complete solution. There are quite some interesting side variations (check for example moves like Rxh5 or Rd5).

 2 years ago  

OK, but let's focus on my chess riddle now.