Source: RuDALLE.ru
Long time no chess! Since I have been explaining on the example of chess, that AI does not exist. Here is another chess example of that fact…
A week ago I have played another atrocious chess game against much lower rated opponent. But the topic of this post is not my bad play. Despite blundering, I have got to this position, which is just four moves to Checkmate:
But watch what the machine says – Mate in 19!

I had at least ten minutes of this incredible estimation before my eyes. I’ve made screenshots to prove the point of fake ‘AI’… Any kid starting lessons in chess could do better than Stockfish labeled ‘Artificial Intelligence’. That is, you have an expert system which collapses as soon as it come to the position which is not in its database…

Source: RuDALLE.ru

Source: RuDALLE.ru
But who cares for the stupid machines. We are waiting for the new season of chess with human opponents…
Hivechess Tournaments
Day | Tournament | GMT | CET | Host(s) | Active |
Thu | Blitz Blunder Barrons | 20:00 | 21:00 | @the-real-betman | ❌ |
Fri | Hivechess Tournament | 20:00 | 21:00 | @stayoutoftherz | ✔️ |
Sat | Chess Tournament | 20:00 | 21:00 | @schamangerbert | ❌️ |
Sun | Chess Brothers League | 19:00 | 20:00 | @chessbrotherspro | ❌ |
Sun | PIZZA CHESS | 22:00 | 23:00 | @cryptoniusraptor | ❌️ |
Mon | Checkmate Coin | 20:00 | 21:00 | CLOSED | ❌ |
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* * *
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For a chess program it simple doesn't matter (if not told otherwise from the programmer), when it checkmates as long as it does checkmate at all (the result is the same anyway).
Yes, @jaki01, but… that is not intelligence 🙂
I personally would only conclude that it doesn't correspond to our typical (human) idea of aesthetics ...
Consider for example our own life: In the end always death is waiting for us ... would it be more economical/intelligent to die earlier, because the aim of the 'game' is death anyway, or is it nicer to 'play' as long as possible? :-)
It‘s not important when you die. It is important to give meaning to the time between birth and death.
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Hey @jaki01, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!HIVE and on HIVE Engine.If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on
The waiting is soon over 😉, on Wed the announcement will come out, for Friday to start off!
Corrected in the table, @stayoutoftherz 🙂
There are many explanations for this behavior, which is neither a bug nor a glitch. It has been noticed and reported by many other users.
The simplest one is that the engine applies aggressive prunning, which makes it discard candidate moves, especially if it has already hit a promising branch. Another reason is that the engine was not given enough time to iterate while deepening. In the case of Lichess cloud analysis, Stockfish is set up that way, because we are talking about shared and limited computing resources. It is easy to see that this is what happened, as the analysis is part of the Lichess data associated with the game and is seen to "improve" the evaluation once it is fed with the next position.
This is not something special. Engines whose evaluation function consists of an entire neural network, like the old versions of Leela, used to produce greater oddities. For example, when Leela got a very winning position, her conversion method was to skip the most efficient mates and proceed to "give away" all the pieces until she had only a queen or a rook left, and with that she would checkmate. The human commentators interpreted this as "Leela's willingness to torture her opponent", which is poetic, but had a more technical explanation.
Good. There are many reports like this on the internet and on the Lichess forums. This does not prove that it is a "fake AI". That sounds like a non-sequitor (or is it satire?).
Haha, very funny. It's very hard to generalize with that, as you are cherrypicking something that is not even a bug or a bad solution, technically. The right thing to do is to compare the performance of kid starting lesson with Stockfish in a wide variety of games and positions. We could use a SPRT test, but I think it won't take tens of thousands of games before we can conclude that there is an abysmal difference in elo between these two players.
It's not clear that Stockfish is an "expert system". I also don't understand the role that the "database" plays in your observation.
Thanks for sharing this anecdote.
If something deserves to be called ‘intelligence’ it has to fulfill at least few essential criteria.
It is nice that you have such insight in Stockfish functions @eniolw, but you actually prove my point: THIS IS NOT INTELLIGENCE.
See all three parts on fake AI:
That's indeed a nice collection of resources to fake intelligence. I like your pun. After all it's artificial and not genius, isn't it? And therewith it might not be natural stupidity, but rather artificial as well. I'm in favor of Self-Directed Education for healing as a last resort of hope. Back to natural intelligence. !invest_vote
Thank you @anli, glad you understand :)
Absofreakin'lutely! !invest_vote
@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Hi! Ok, I'm going over that collection. Check out my initial blog posts about it:
Reacting to THE WAR: Debunking 'AI' - Part 1.1
Reacting to THE WAR: Debunking 'AI' - Part 1.2
@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
@lighteyes's post makes up for a nice collection of threads, that's for sure. :-) !invest_vote
@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Thanks for the mention! Funny idea, yes, chess is more fun without AI. Doesn't mean there are not huge databases on how to trick people (into war), are there? While I'm still hoping for some kind of correspondence tourney and simply don't know how something like that might be fun (most favorably chess 960 correspondence). !invest_vote
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Hey @lighteye, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!HIVE and on HIVE Engine.If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on
I don't have a good comment But I enjoyed reading the thread:)...
Hey! Long time no see.
It's okay. Feel free to take a look at my blog, where I have recently started to address these AI issues as presented here.
My advice: Don't take anyone's word for granted, it's better to rely on evidence. Keep researching, make sure you use reliable sources, compare information, arguments, employ critical thinking.
Great to read your Comments @eniolw, definitely good advice.