I advise to invest in impact, not speculation-gambling meme-coins like Doge.
I know nothing about the platform You mentioned, but whereas I use Brave Browser and obtain Brave ads, I think that such platforms are growing like "mushrooms after rain" (I translated Polish proverb here because I dont know English analogue, I mean that there are a lot of them). I will not buy these tokens as I already have passive income from transaction fees on one exchange. But if not that, maybe I would try these?
I usually dont like when projects have 3 or more tokens inside. People dont have time to be interested in everything, and there is also real life outside crypto world. The more complicated mechanism of work, the less people will be likely to invest and get involved deeply into. Unless it will be advertised by stupid influencers and people will follow them like blind sheep.
I'll just mention that APR's given on main page of Tranchess are much higher than the ones whcih are on subsite "Staking". For example for Bishop, 118,6% -> 74,4%.
Why they call Bitcoin BTCB not BTC?
For example You can read about CCFound: https://shop.ccfound.com/refLink/787GKa
FoundCoin is also on Binance smart Chain by the way.
or read about investition in Stemcells to heal the people: https://mosaico.ai/genesisstemcelltech/en
No matter what You do, lets have fun at HiveChess tournament at usual hour.