A Chaotic Game


Wild — a chaotic game in which both players have had chances to win.

Starting the game with the king's pawn controls the center and opens the way for the light-squared bishop and queen, thus often leading to sharp positions.

The e5 move is a common response that establishes presence in the center, controls d4, and opens the way for the dark-squared bishop and queen.

The move Nf3 develops the knight towards the center, attacks the e5-pawn and prepares for castling.

The Philidor Defense begins with d6, a move that defends the e5-pawn and allows the light-squared bishop to develop. Black's position is solid but a bit tight.

Option #1

Move 17(rxc7-Qa4 18. gxf4-Qxa2, 19. h3- Rab8 20. Qc6-Be2 21. Re1-Rxb2)

Option #2
(18. f5-Qe5 19. Qxc7-Qb2 20. h3-Bh5 21. Rc2-Qf6 22. Qc3-Qh4)

Option #3
(19. Bd5-Rab8 20. f5-Qh6 21. b3-Rcb8 22. Rxc8-Rxc8 23. f3-Bh3)


Indeed, it was a wild game.

si mi pana.