There is nothing more classic then the chess opening move Pawn to King Four. It’s not like it just an American classic or even a world classic. It’s more like an ancient classic of all times.
Let see how Google define the word “Classic”:

OK, Google did a great job of defining the word classic. It even mentions a classic novel. Its Possible Google knows that every chess game is a story. Many chess game are beautiful stories. Let’s just take one of the definitions provided for the word “Classic” to see how chess measure up to the definition:
Well there is no record of the first time when the classic move of “Pawn to King Four” was made but it fair to say that it was more than hundreds of years ago. There no record of the first time the remaining moves above on the chart board was made either. But they are also classic chess moves.
If you agree that “Pawn to King Four” has maintained the highest quality of its kind and is absolutely outstanding then let’s talk about it. Well if you don’t let talk about that also.
As you might know I never play 1.e4.
But I agree, if you look at old games from Steinitz and others, it was mostly the kingpawn with which they opened.
Yes I notice that you don’t open P-K4. I read and studied the play of Paul Morphy one of chess all time greats. Who often open with P-K4 and some type of gambit to gain position, then checkmate his opponent playing from behind. I attempted to duplicate his style of play with lots of success many years ago. However now I don’t have the brain power to play from behind blitz or rapid. 🙂
"P-K4" is chess biggest opening
Yes "P-K4" has been a big opening for a long time.
Very nice chess meme @rodrook
Thanks you @rdst
Thanks @poshbot