Podium Finish! 3rd Place in the Hive Chess Bullet Arena

in The Chess Community4 days ago

"Daring ideas are like Chess men moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game”


Hello Everyone, welcome to another post of mine where I talk about the last round of Hivechess hosted by @stayoutoftherz. As you can see from the image above, I came 3rd - A finish that came down to a last draw offer I made in the dying seconds of the tournament.

The Hive chess tournament yesterday was fun, one could argue that it was because of the faster time control, however I think it was because there were a lot of 2000+ players playing. I had a few easy games at first, then lot of losses. I'd analyze one game in this post then later in the week, I'd do a themed analysis on some other games.

Other Themed analysis from Hivechess tournaments includes; Learning about Invisible moves and also The Art of bluffing in chess

@tortyllan Vs @Samostically 1-0

I entered the tournament with a plan of going 100% beserk mode which I knew was very difficult if my opponents dont beserk back. In 2+1, a beserk means. You start with 1 minute and you even lose the added time benefit. I think it's a death sentence to be honest. I didn't realize it that much till the tournament started. I lost to this opponent in a terrible fashion and many other players. I decided not to press the beserk button the next time - It didn't change the result


After 7.Nf3. I felt comfortable in the opening. I planned to castle long and play with my active pieces. However I played carefully and castle short and made so many hasty moves.


I didn't have a plan. When I berserk, I always have a plan because I know I dont have much time. But here, i didn't and few moves later I was on the back foot. In a somewhat equal positio, white is better.


I already knew this was going bad. But in chess, it's never over until it is. An opportunity came for me.


My opponent played Bf1? A huge blunder. Black to play and win!

I Missed it!

Yeah and I lost the game. After the brilliant end combination by white.


From here it was lost. As black can't stop checkmate.

[Event "Hivechess S20 Round 6 Arena"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/iCqigEOQ"]
[Date "2025.03.07"]
[White "tortyllan"]
[Black "ZGM_Samostically"]
[Result "1-0"]
[GameId "iCqigEOQ"]
[UTCDate "2025.03.07"]
[UTCTime "20:36:17"]
[WhiteElo "2275"]
[BlackElo "2314"]
[WhiteRatingDiff "+6"]
[BlackRatingDiff "-7"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "120+1"]
[ECO "B00"]
[Opening "Nimzowitsch Defense: Scandinavian Variation, Exchange Variation"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "lichess.org"]

1. e4 { [%clk 0:02:00] } 1... d5 { [%clk 0:02:00] } 2. exd5 { [%clk 0:01:59] } 2... Qxd5 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 3. d4 { [%clk 0:01:59] } 3... Nc6 { [%clk 0:02:01] } { B00 Nimzowitsch Defense: Scandinavian Variation, Exchange Variation } 4. c3 { [%clk 0:01:59] } 4... e5 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 5. Be3 { [%clk 0:02:00] } 5... exd4 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 6. cxd4 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 6... Nf6 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 7. Nf3 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 7... Ng4 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 8. Nc3 { [%clk 0:02:00] } 8... Bb4 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 9. Bd3 { [%clk 0:01:57] } 9... O-O { [%clk 0:02:01] } 10. O-O { [%clk 0:01:57] } 10... Bxc3 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 11. bxc3 { [%clk 0:01:58] } 11... Nxe3 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 12. fxe3 { [%clk 0:01:58] } 12... Re8 { [%clk 0:02:02] } 13. e4 { [%clk 0:01:58] } 13... Qh5 { [%clk 0:02:02] } 14. e5 { [%clk 0:01:57] } 14... Bg4 { [%clk 0:02:01] } 15. Qb1 { [%clk 0:01:55] } 15... b6 { [%clk 0:02:00] } 16. Qb5 { [%clk 0:01:55] } 16... Ne7 { [%clk 0:01:59] } 17. h3 { [%clk 0:01:53] } 17... Bxf3 { [%clk 0:01:56] } 18. Rxf3 { [%clk 0:01:54] } 18... Ng6 { [%clk 0:01:56] } 19. Qd7 { [%clk 0:01:52] } 19... Rf8 { [%clk 0:01:55] } 20. Qxc7 { [%clk 0:01:52] } 20... Rac8 { [%clk 0:01:51] } 21. Qxa7 { [%clk 0:01:51] } 21... Rxc3 { [%clk 0:01:51] } 22. Qxb6 { [%clk 0:01:52] } 22... Qg5 { [%clk 0:01:43] } 23. Qb7 { [%clk 0:01:42] } 23... Qd2 { [%clk 0:01:36] } 24. Bf1 { [%clk 0:01:36] } 24... Rc2 { [%clk 0:01:35] } 25. Qe4 { [%clk 0:01:30] } 25... Rd8 { [%clk 0:01:33] } 26. e6 { [%clk 0:01:26] } 26... fxe6 { [%clk 0:01:30] } 27. Qxe6+ { [%clk 0:01:25] } 27... Kh8 { [%clk 0:01:30] } 28. Re1 { [%clk 0:01:19] } 28... Qxd4+ { [%clk 0:01:29] } 29. Kh1 { [%clk 0:01:18] } 29... Nf8 { [%clk 0:01:24] } 30. Qe7 { [%clk 0:01:09] } 30... Kg8 { [%clk 0:01:16] } 31. Qf7+ { [%clk 0:01:06] } 31... Kh8 { [%clk 0:01:14] } 32. Qxf8+ { [%clk 0:01:07] } { Black resigns. } 1-0

You can copy the pgn and follow the game move by move.


While it was a tournament I felt I'd have done better, I was happy with a podium finish. Congratulations to the winners and see y'all next friday. Feel free to drop by for my themed analysis from hive chess later this week.